Welcome back to Rounding the News, your weekly news roundup presented by Rounding the Earth. My name is Liam Sturgess, and I will be your host for today’s show.
Here is the breakdown of today’s news:
Lockdowns continue to be blamed for rise in health problems, while more incidents of missing paramedics arise
Revisiting the underreported nature of the J&J and AstraZeneca shots
VAERS publishes lowest number of new cases since the C19 rollout
Anthony Fauci announces his retirement
Trump’s White House blamed for pressuring the FDA on EUA for C19 shots
Brook Jackson’s qui tam case: new whistleblower brief filed
Beaudoin v. Baker: lawsuit against the Governor of Massachusetts
Lockdowns continued to be blamed for rise in health problems…
Beginning with a follow-up from last week’s stories, lockdown measures are continuing to be blamed for the widespread rise in overall health problems in the Western World. At the same time, those much-maligned vocal dissidents who were the target of such ire for their opposition to lockdown measures are beginning to receive some well-deserved (if largely useless) vindication in the mainstream media.

As Robert Taylor wrote in the Telegraph yesterday:1
“Bravo to the lockdown sceptics, who were smeared and dismissed for daring to defend freedom
Yes, one of the most senior members of government during that whole lockdown business has finally admitted that the strategy was overdone, badly handled and badly communicated. …
The brave few kept the flag of personal freedom alive. That really is no exaggeration. And they paid heavily for it. On social media the abuse was intense. You don’t care about lives! they snarled. You’re murderers! they claimed. And in the mainstream, things weren’t much better. You’re a “small, disproportionately influential faction,” moaned a Guardian Leader, that “denies the virulence of the virus”. Thanks for that. …
Yes, it was lonely. But now the man who was responsible for running the nation’s finances belatedly tells us that we were not alone. He now tells us it was wrong to empower scientists to such a degree; wrong to allow Sage such sway over policy; wrong not to consider the long-term impact of lockdown on people’s health and wellbeing; wrong not to discuss the inevitable huge delays to cancer, heart disease and diabetes diagnoses; wrong to close schools; and wrong to instill such fear.”
Read the full opinion piece here.
…as ambulances and paramedics are nowhere to be found.
Unfortunately, the problems aren’t over. As I discussed last week, there are more and more cases appearing in the news of emergency patients waiting hours for ambulances (if they arrive at all). This trend continued into this week. I might begin summarizing these weekly to help illustrate the rapid descent in North American health care systems so we can begin to truly respond with solutions.
Ambulances are stacking up at Thunder Bay's hospital
From TBNewsWatch:2
“Hospital President and CEO Rhonda Crocker Ellacott said that since February, TBRHSC has seen a nearly 100 per cent increase in the number of patients arriving by ambulance. She said ambulance visits have risen from a typical 50 to 60 daily to as many as 100.”
Rushed to hospital, stuck in an ambulance: Why it’s taking longer to hand off patients to hospitals in Ontario
From the Toronto Star:3
“As ambulances confront hours-long waits in crowded ERs, newly released data shows offload times have nearly doubled in three years.”
Note in the graph below that while the wait times were flat and decreasing in some areas in 2020, they began quickly and steadily increasing in 2021 - the year of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, as well as the mass-layoffs and firing of “unvaccinated” workers across the health care system. This carries into 2022, which is what we’re seeing in the real world.
Patients forced to wait inside ambulances outside overcrowded Montreal-area hospital
From CTV News Montreal:4
“Overcrowding in an emergency room on Montreal's South Shore has reached a new level as patients are being forced to wait in ambulances, sometimes for hours, because there's no room inside.
And while the ambulances wait lined up outside the Anna-Laberge Hospital, the ER calls aren't being answered either. …
The union representing health-care workers at the hospital is concerned and blames more admissions to the ER and fewer staff members over the summer.
In a statement, the regional health board said a worker shortage and cases of COVID-19 are slowing down their operations.”
Emergency rooms close in B.C., paramedics union says ambulances unstaffed
From The Canadian Press via Houston Today:5
“Nicola Valley Hospital in Merritt, B.C., is the latest emergency room in the province to shut its doors due to lack of staff, joining a series of similar interruptions in service in British Columbia’s Interior. …
Services were also unavailable at the South Okanagan General Hospital emergency department in Oliver, B.C., for about 24 hours this weekend, though it has since reopened. …
The closures come as the Ambulance Paramedics of BC released a statement criticizing the understaffing of ambulances, saying vehicles in Maple Ridge, the Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver have sat idle this weekend.
Union president Troy Clifford says in a statement that this weekend has showcased a provincewide trend of ambulances sitting empty that ‘seems to have no end.’”
It’s not just Canada.
First responders sound the alarm: rural communities in Wisconsin face EMS shortage
From WKBT News 8000:6
“Nationwide, rural EMS agencies are struggling to fill positions.
‘Over 90% of the rural EMS agencies are struggling with the shortages of personnel,’ said Chris Eberlein, the director of Gundersen Tri-State Ambulance.
What used to be a pool of five to ten applicants has dwindled down to one or two, leaving current staff members working longer hours.”
Johnson County Med-Act to scale back operations due to staff shortages
From FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV:7
“Johnson County Med-Act will scale back some of its operations due to staffing shortages. …
Davis said while it’s difficult to pinpoint what is causing staffing shortages, the pandemic has put a major strain on many healthcare professionals.”
Add on to that the ongoing supply chain crisis, and you have a literal shortage of functioning ambulances.
When the chips are down: Ambulance chassis availability now at crisis levels
From EMS One-stop:8
“Ambulance chassis and chip supply issues have dramatically impacted ambulance costs and delivery times. …
Before the pandemic, lead times for new ambulances ranged from 90-120 days (from order to delivery). At this time, the wait is now 24 months and longer. …
A further effect of the disrupted production has seen furloughs and layoffs of skilled staff at ambulance factories. This reduction and loss of staff could further jeopardize an eventual return to normal production levels as reinstating or recruiting and retraining staff could further add to the woes. …
This year, lack of ambulances and crews could add to the depth of such emergencies. Pointing to Secretary Buttigieg’s own departmental initiative to reduce roadway fatalities with enhanced levels of post-crash care, the letter’s authors note that the availability of ambulances is a critical element of post-crash care, the safety of the patients and of the first responders, and action must be taken immediately.”
Revisiting Janssen and AstraZeneca
I wanted to share an excellent article published on the Very Official News Substack, on the topic of the adenovirus vector COVID-19 vaccine products. Mike, the author, does a great job of summarizing how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lied about the nature of the Janssen product (commonly referred to as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) in order to increase uptake. From the article:
“While recent attention has been brought to the memory-holing of claims made about the mRNA platform, a vastly more brazen falsehood was peddled by the CDC about the viral vector vaccines (e.g. J&J) …
The CDC falsely assured the American public that the adenoviral vector vaccines (domestically, Johnson & Johnson) did not insert genetic material into cellular nuclei during the eight month period during which the majority of recipients were given the shots. This was known to be false the entire time, and in fact, is the obligate mechanism of the drug.”
Read the full article below, and thank you to Mike for his excellent work.
VAERS publishes lowest number of new reports since the beginning of the COVID-19 jab rollout
Resident VAERS auditor Albert Benavides revealed one week ago that the CDC set a new record by publishing the smallest amount of new adverse event reports in a given week since the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is updated once weekly on Fridays, publishing reports submitted by health care practitioners, the pharmaceutical companies themselves, or patients receiving the injections detailing adverse events occurring after a vaccine is given. Albert, who goes by @welcometheeagle, has been auditing the VAERS reports for well over a year and has identified a number of concerning patterns — not just contained within the reports themselves, but also in how the data is being managed and/or “throttled.”
Albert’s excellent VAERS dashboard can be found on Tableau Public.

Anthony Fauci announces his retirement
Yes, it appears to be true! Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has announced that he will be retiring from his two positions in the United States Government at the end of 2022.9

I picked the above picture because it looked a little bit like Fauci was running away - I’m sure memes have been developed that portray that much better. In any case, as others have surely already litigated to death, Fauci is 81 years old and it makes sense that he would wrap up his career around that age. Frankly, it’s impressive he’s stayed active and functional this long.
Reaction has been mixed, with Bill Gates taking to Twitter to congratulate and thank the Good Doctor.

It is perhaps an apt time to inform readers and listeners that Gates and Fauci do, indeed, go way back. Of particular importance was their collaboration on the Global Vaccine Action Plan, with Fauci playing a leading role in the effort from 2010-2012.10 This was the initiative that kicked off the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's "Decade of Vaccines Collaboration", conveniently spanning 2011-2020, just in time to roll out a certain set of genetic vaccines against a certain coronavirus that both men were clearly as surprised about as you and I.11
For his part, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky warned Fauci that his retirement would not prevent him from cooperating in what will ostensibly be a “full-throated investigation” into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the public health crisis that followed.12

Just last month, Fauci indicated that he planned to retire by the end of President Joe Biden’s term (presumably late 2024 or early 2025) but that he may do so sooner.13 It is unclear whether he knew at that point that his exit would be very much sooner, indeed.
Another way of asking the question is this: has the level of alarm within the walls of the National Institutes of Health, CDC and White House finally become palpable? One of my favourite Canadian “alternative news” personalities is Viva Frei, and I thought he did an excellent job exploring why things may be getting awfully uncomfortable right about now for those senior officials who “pushed the jab” with unnatural force.
Start at 59:26:
Trump White House blamed for pressuring the FDA to authorize COVID-19 jabs
That leads us right into something I’ve been predicting for a year now: “it’s all Trump’s fault.”
What is Trump’s fault, you might say? The COVID-19 vaccines.
…wait. From Politico:14
“Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds
The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.”
Okay, to be clear, the allegation covers not just the COVID-19 vaccine efforts, but also the discovery and dissemination of preventative medicines and treatments for COVID-19. I can’t help but find this conflation to be irresponsible, especially given the choice of the word “unproven” to refer to pharmaceutical products that have been used for decades, but not for the quite literally unproven, never-before-tried gene therapy vaccine products.
“Senior Trump administration officials fought for the reauthorization of hydroxychloroquine, a drug normally used to treat malaria and lupus, after the FDA revoked its emergency clearance of the drug because data showed it was ineffective against Covid-19 and could lead to potentially dangerous side effects, the report found. The Democrats’ investigation also documents potential influence from former White House officials regarding the FDA’s decision to authorize convalescent plasma, and White House attempts to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on Covid-19 vaccines in order to get them to the public before the 2020 presidential election.”
If I were a fact-checker, I would label this “missing so much context as to essentially be a flat-out lie.” Hydroxychloroquine was then, and is now, an FDA-approved medicine with decades of use in a wide variety of contexts. It did not require re-authorization of any kind in order to allow its use in any manner American doctors saw fit. That’s called “prescribing off-label,” which is not a new concept invented by conspiracy theorists during the declared pandemic.
But the real kicker is this: the bolded text above indicates a recognition that the COVID-19 injections were not finished the process of collecting safety data. Or at a minimum, the Trump White House tried to prevent that last step, putting people in danger.
Of course, as Tessa points out in her Tweet, it certainly wasn’t the Trump White House that forced millions of people to take an experimental treatment that they didn’t want.

Operation Warp Speed was on Trump’s watch, while everything that followed was on Biden’s watch. Basically, both hold equal culpability and all individuals involved in either administration need to be investigated. Including Fauci.
Brook Jackson’s whistleblower case: new brief has been filed
On August 22, whistleblower Brook Jackson announced that her response to Pfizer/ICON/Ventavia’s motion to dismiss had been filed.

For those who have not yet had a chance to hear Brook’s story and the scandal underpinning it, I encourage you to watch the Round Table discussion we had with Brook and lawyer Warner Mendenhall from two weeks ago.
In addition to the raw brief documents, lead attorney Robert Barnes prepared an audio summary of the new materials that can be listened to at their Locals community.
That’s what I like about Barnes - not only does he entertain, he also takes the opportunity to educate his audience.
On that note, I want to thank our sponsor for this episode, The Institute for Practical and Applied Knowledge. IPAK-EDU is part of the shift away from traditional educational institutions with courses from high quality instructors at the top of their fields.
Today, we’re featuring a course called Ecology For the Masses: Classical and Modern Concepts of Ecology with an Emphasis on Evolutionary Dynamics. The fall program will run Mondays at 1:00PM EST, led by Bruce Stephen, PhD.
Sign up for this course, or any of the other wonderful courses IPAK-EDU offers, and receive 5% off the price of admission when you use coupon code EARTH at checkout.
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Lawsuit filed against the Governor of Massachusetts
Now, to our main story for the week.
On August 22, 2022, John Beaudoin filed a lawsuit against Charles D. Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, and a number of senior health officials in the United States District Court in the District of Massachusetts.
This is a big one. Despite increasingly widespread understanding that the COVID-19 vaccines have been causing severe injury and death, it is very difficult to overcome the dismissal of the “correlation does not equal causation” mantra.
It’s true; correlation does not equal causation. In the past, however, the “cautionary principle” leaned in favour of skepticism towards pharmaceutical products, with patients told to carefully monitor themselves for new health events occurring after they start a new drug. In the case of COVID-19 vaccine products, it seems regulators are dead set on dismissing as many suspected cases of injury as possible in absence of damning, undeniable evidence.
Well, John may have given them that this week.
John Beaudoin has been investigating the State of Massachusetts’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic for awhile now. He writes under the pseudonym Coquin de Chien on Substack, where he has published a tremendous wealth of information along his way.
“Thus far, Coquin de Chien “CdC” showed that 2020 was a year of respiratory deaths and 2021 was a year of circulatory system deaths. What happened as of January 2021 that caused so many heart attacks, brain and GI hemorrhages, strokes, clots, sudden kidney failure, new cancers, and accelerated tumor growth? Got any idea?”
On August 19, John shared a preview of the lawsuit to come - specifically, the contents of Exhibit F of the filing.15
“‘CdC’ showed fraud in many deaths such as fentanyl overdoses and blunt force trauma deaths being labeled “COVID-19” by Massachusetts medical examiners. Even more insidious is the absolute refusal of medical examiners to blame the C19 vaccine as a cause of death even when the onset of symptoms was minutes after the injection and death took a few weeks to slowly degrade a human being in pain, then coma, then forever gone from Earth.”
By his account, this process has entailed “thousands of hours of research, documentation, legal analysis, data forensics, first-person and second-person interviews, statutory legal research, and emotionally charged anecdotes of loss of family members, friends, and co-workers” which culminated in his formal filing on the 22nd.
Breaking down the suit
Who is being sued?
The defendants in this case are:
Charles D. Baker, Governor of Massachusetts
Margaret R. Cooke, Commissioner of the Department of Public Health
Mindy Hull, Chief Medical Examiner
Janice Y. Grrivetti, Michele N. Matthews, Robert M. Welton, and Julie Hull, Medical Examiners
What are they being sued for?
Specifically, they are being accused of violating the following federal laws:
18 U.S.C. § 1035 - False statements relating to health care matters
18 U.S.C. § 1040 - Fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits
18 U.S.C. § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television
Case law: Detrimental reliance on false statements by third parties
42 U.S.C. § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights
18 U.S.C. § 241 - Conspiracy against rights
18 U.S.C. § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law
14th Amendment: Equal protections clause of the fourteenth amendment of the U.S. Constitution
According to Beaudoin, the defendants have intentionally manipulated death certificates in order to mask deaths likely caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. They also attributed many deaths to COVID-19, when in reality it was very clear that something else had killed them. In doing so, they played up the perceived danger of the COVID-19 disease while downplaying the very real risks that come with the shots.
This is a very serious problem, in no small part because it has direct ramifications for the entirety of the United States, and by extension, the world.
In his filing, Beaudoin describes how the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) develop their own analyses based on the data provided to them by the State Departments of Health. This is specifically done using ICD-10 codes, which are intended to capture health events using universal categories. Because medical records were systematically being systematically omitting ICD-10 codes that indicate deaths caused by vaccination - while inappropriately adding “COVID-19” to a broad range of certificates - the federal government was receiving fraudulent data that threatened the integrity of their own country-wide recommendations.
Beaudoin’s allegations come following a long research effort to document these cases of fraudulent health records. His detailed brief cites 7 specific incidents, including:
Cassidy Baracka - a 7-year-old girl who died within a few days of the second dose, having reacted badly to the first and suffered “agonizing pain” until her death. Her death certificate simply read “COVID-19”;
Preston Settles - a 15-year-old boy who collapsed on the basketball court, suffering brain death and dying after being pulled off life support shortly after (a highly unusual event for someone this young);
Diane Dubois - a 62-year-old woman who died of a brain haemorrhage following the COVID-19 vaccine. This was described in her medical records, but the ICD-10 codes that would indicate vaccine-associated death were omitted from her death certificate;
Brianna McCarthy - a 30-year-old woman who died of a massive stroke only days after a COVID-19 vaccination, whose death certificate also omitted vaccine-related ICD-10 codes;
Eden MacDonald - a 17-year-old girl who died of a “massive acute intracranial hemorrhage” with the same ICD-10 code omissions;
Holly Hodgdon (no details provided)
Charles Casella - a 48-year-old man whose employer successfully forced him to take the shot in defense of his job, and found dead in his bed the following morning;
Solomon A. Kizitoh - a man who died only days after his COVID-19 vaccination from “acute bronchopneumonia and idiopathic thrombocytopenia”, with his death certificate being the only one in the State of Massachusetts to include the COVID-19 vaccine as a cause of death in the ICD-10 codes tracked by the CDC.
What is the goal of the lawsuit?
The suit is seeking a number of things:
A halt to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Massachusetts pending further investigation;
Access to the State’s full immunization records database and the resources necessary to examine them;
Access to autopsy reports and vaccination status of 7 deceased children and adults;
Measures taken to prevent the defendants from continuing to commit fraud;
Correction of the death certificates that were incorrectly completed;
A public, televised announcement from the defendants that fraud was committed, and that the true threat from COVID-19 was misrepresented, as was the true rate of death caused by the COVID-19 genetic vaccine products.
Next steps
As John explains in his article officially announcing the filing, it is likely the State will move to dismiss it on grounds of "standing."16 This means that the government will claim he has no legal ability to sue because he is not directly involved or affected by the alleged actions. This is a deeply flawed argument based on a highly problematic Supreme Court precedent from just after the 9/11 attacks, which is now widely misapplied to deprive Americans the right to sue their government for infringing their rights. In John's words, "thousands of Americans have lost cases on this procedural basis before ever being heard on a substantive basis."
However, John is confident he’s in the right on this one, despite the procedural traps set to trip him up.
“In Beaudoin v Baker (2.0), “standing” is based on Beaudoin having been unenrolled from law school because of his refusal to vaccinate for COVID-19. Beaudoin’s standing is based on denial of equal protection of the laws. He was singled out and refused the opportunity for a legal education that the COVID-19 vaccinated were offered. Time will tell if this is enough standing.
The battle has just begun. And the substantive arguments are soon to be had, if the 12(b)(6) that is sure to come is survived by Beaudoin.”
Read the full filing here, including supporting documents: http://viaveravita.com/covid-19-fraud-and-vaccine-lawsuit
Thank you for reading!
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Taylor, R. (2022, August 25). Bravo to the lockdown sceptics, who were smeared and dismissed for daring to defend freedom. The Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/08/25/bravo-lockdown-sceptics-who-sacrificed-much-name-freedom/
Ambulances are stacking up at Thunder Bay’s hospital. (2022, August 24). TBNewsWatch. https://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/ambulances-are-stacking-up-at-thunder-bays-hospital-5735121
Wallace, K., & Ogilvie, M. (2022, August 26). Rushed to hospital, stuck in an ambulance: Why it’s taking longer to hand off patients to hospitals in Ontario. Toronto Star. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2022/08/26/rushed-to-hospital-stuck-in-an-ambulance-why-its-taking-longer-to-hand-off-patients-to-hospitals-in-ontario.html?rf
Izri, T. (2022, August 25). Patients forced to wait inside ambulances outside overcrowded Montreal-area hospital. CTV News Montreal. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/patients-forced-to-wait-inside-ambulances-outside-overcrowded-montreal-area-hospital-1.6042692
The Canadian Press. (2022, August 22). Emergency rooms close in B.C., paramedics union says ambulances unstaffed. Houston Today. https://www.houston-today.com/news/emergency-rooms-close-in-b-c-paramedics-union-says-ambulances-unstaffed/
Israr, D. (2022, August 25). First responders sound the alarm: rural communities in Wisconsin face EMS shortage. WKBT: News 8000. https://www.news8000.com/first-responders-sound-the-alarm-rural-communities-in-wisconsin-face-ems-shortage/
Holzfaster, S. (2022, August 24). Johnson County Med-Act to scale back operations due to staff shortages. FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports. https://fox4kc.com/news/johnson-county-med-act-to-scale-back-operations-due-to-staff-shortages/
Lawrence, R. (2022, August 24). When the chips are down: Ambulance chassis availability now at crisis levels. EMS1. https://www.ems1.com/ems-products/fleet-management/articles/when-the-chips-are-down-ambulance-chassis-availability-now-at-crisis-levels-fdggdvlHfQ9c5uTw/
Abutaleb, Y. (2022, August 22). Fauci plans to step down in December after half a century in government. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/08/22/fauci-retiring/
Huddleston Jr, T. (2022, August 24). Bill Gates: Dr. Fauci is “a hero to millions of people, including me.” CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/24/bill-gates-dr-fauci-is-a-hero-to-millions-of-people-including-me.html
Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. (2013, February 21). Global vaccine action plan 2011-2020. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/global-vaccine-action-plan-2011-2020
Bleau, H. (2022, August 22). Rand Paul: Fauci’s Retirement Won’t Stop a “Full-Throated Investigation.” Breitbart. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/22/rand-paul-faucis-retirement-wont-stop-a-full-throated-investigation/
Steenhuysen, J. (2022, July 18). Fauci plans to retire by end of U.S. President Biden’s term. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/anthony-fauci-retire-by-end-us-president-bidens-term-politico-2022-07-18/
Foley, K. E. (2022, August 24). Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds. Politico. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/24/trump-white-house-exerted-pressure-on-fda-for-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-house-report-finds-00053428
Coquin de Chien. (2022, August 19). Preview - EXHIBIT F. Substack. https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/preview-exhibit-f
Coquin de Chien. (2022, August 23). BEAUDOIN v BAKER (Governor of Massachusetts). Substack. https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/beaudoin-v-baker-governor-of-massachusetts