"Essentially Harmless"
BioNTech cancer vaccines, the Guardian coverup, childhood schedule, Bill Gates smoke party
Happy Friday, friends, and welcome back to Rounding the News. This is your weekly news roundup presented by Rounding the Earth, a popular newsletter series written by applied statistician and educator Mathew Crawford.
Don’t forget to support our work with a Superchat on YouTube, a Rumble Rant on Rumble, or a tip on Rokfin. We’ve got a packed show for you today, so let’s jump right in.
BioNTech planning mRNA “cancer vaccines” by 2030

Following on their overwhelming success in rapidly rolling out experimental gene therapy in the form of a so-called “COVID-19 vaccine”, German biotechnology company BioNTech has decided it’s time to return to their roots and refocus on finishing up their vaccines for cancer. Moreover, they say they will likely be released sometime before 2030.

This story was already interesting before a plot twist this past Tuesday. More on that later.
From the Guardian:1
Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci, who co-founded BioNTech, the German firm that partnered with Pfizer to manufacture a revolutionary mRNA Covid vaccine, said they had made breakthroughs that fuelled their optimism for cancer vaccines in the coming years. …
Asked when cancer vaccines based on mRNA might be ready to use in patients, Prof Sahin said they could be available “before 2030”.
An mRNA Covid vaccine works by ferrying the genetic instructions for harmless spike proteins on the Covid virus into the body. The instructions are taken up by cells which churn out the spike protein. These proteins, or antigens, are then used as “wanted posters” – telling the immune system’s antibodies and other defences what to search for and attack.
The same approach can be taken to prime the immune system to seek out and destroy cancer cells, said Türeci, BioNTech’s chief medical officer. Rather than carrying code that identifies viruses, the vaccine contains genetic instructions for cancer antigens – proteins that stud the surfaces of tumour cells. …
Türeci told Kuenssberg that BioNTech had learned how to manufacture mRNA vaccines faster during the pandemic, and had a better understanding of how people’s immune systems responded to mRNA. The intense development and rapid rollout of the Covid shot had also helped medicines regulators work out how to approve the vaccines. “This will definitely accelerate also our cancer vaccine,” she added.
Unfortunately, BioNTech’s plan revolves around the premise that their COVID-19 mRNA products were a “success.”
But how do we measure success?
BioNTech’s idea of success
BioNTech was able to rush out an experimental injection with unprecedented funding, support and pre-orders from the German government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer and the U.S. Military;234
Regulatory bodies worldwide (particularly the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency) agreed to close their eyes and cover their ears, allowing the product to fly through without proper scrutiny using a fraudulent Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and later a bait-and-switch “approval” with full indemnity;56
68.3% of the world population took at least one dose of their injection, by choice or by coercion.7 Hooray!
Of course, there are other pieces to the puzzle. Putting aside the fundamental question of whether it even makes sense to refer to this product as a “vaccine” in the first place, the safety and efficacy of BioNTech’s product was always in doubt.
As has been stated many times by many people, the clinical trials for Pfizer-BioNTech’s BNT162b2 product never even tried to evaluate whether the shot would actually immunize the recipient against becoming infected with the virus. Verify for yourself by reading the study in question.8 Heck, you can even go to PolitiFact for this one - if you can stomach the partisan nonsense.9
No, the shots did not help mild or severe illness, either. In fact, the treatment arm of the trial fared worse overall on all counts, including COVID-19 outcomes and death - not to mention the tremendous increase in “adverse events”. I refer you once again to the “More Harm Than Good” video put together by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance that dives deep into this.10
While it is still unclear how many mechanisms of injury there are for the COVID-19 vaccines (lipid nanoparticle toxicity, Marc Girardot’s “bolus” theory,11 pseudouridine problems, etc.), it is not in question that the highly toxic SARS-CoV-2 spike protein plays a significant, if not leading, role.12 The spike protein generated by the mRNA and adenoviral vector injections has been found in organs and tissues around the body, where hyperinflammatory reactions have been noted and have been associated with organ damage and death.13
Furthermore, it is basically the mainstream narrative now that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is the result of a US-funded bioweapons program in collaboration with China.14 Whether it's attached to a virus, injected into your arm or shedded by your "vaccinated" neighbour, it's still (most likely) a gain-of-function bioweapon.15
Remember, the people in the treatment arm of Pfizer-BioNTech’s trial were hurt, injured and killed at a rate far higher than their “placebo” counterparts.
With that in mind, we can return to the Guardian article, where…
…hang on a dang second.

Here’s the plot twist.
“Essentially harmless spike proteins”
In the time between my original Tweet criticizing BioNTech’s cancer vaccines idea, and my returning to the article to begin writing today’s show, I noticed that The Guardian had surreptitiously updated the article to soften their assertion of the “safety” of the spike protein.
Here’s what the paragraph in question looked like before, as captured on the Wayback Machine:
And here’s what I came back to two days later (also saved on the Wayback Machine):16
Of course, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue if the Guardian had thought to let the reader know that they had corrected a mistake. It’s a shame they didn’t.

I’ve reached out to the author, Ian Sample (who also happens to be the science editor for the outlet) seeking answers. I won’t hold my breath.
“Essentially harmless cancer proteins”
This brings me to the crux of my point. The article describes the upcoming cancer vaccines like this:
Rather than carrying code that identifies viruses, the vaccine contains genetic instructions for cancer antigens – proteins that stud the surfaces of tumour cells.
In theory, the logic seems analogous to the intention for the COVID-19 gene therapies. If the transfection coded for a truly harmless (or “low-harm”) subsection of the virus, then bingo. The same could apply here. A “cancer antigen” is essentially another name for a cancer “biomarker”, which is used to test the blood for indications of cancer.17 If cancer vaccines can cause the body to create antigens for a specific cancer within that patient's body, then I can understand how this would allow the immune system to get an extra strong "signal" that it needs to focus its attention on finding and eliminating any cancerous cells.
My point, of course, is that BioNTech should be trusted based on their word alone to execute the “theory” in a way that actually works. If the COVID-19 “vaccines” actually cause injury and illness analogous to severe COVID-19 disease, then it follows that BioNTech’s cancer vaccines… could actually cause cancer. I’m not saying that will be what actually happens. I’m simply pointing out a reason to be very, very skeptical and approach with intense caution.
In other words, I’m going to probably stay away from BioNTech’s “essentially safe cancer proteins” for the foreseeable future.

Boost your Novavax game

In case you needed a reminder for how those COVID-19 “vaccines” are working out, the FDA has gone ahead and Emergency Authorized the use of Novavax’s spike protein subunit injection as a “booster dose.” From STAT News:18
Unlike the latest boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, which target both the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and the Omicron BA.4/5 variants, the Novavax booster only targets the original strain. The company announced in late May that it was studying an Omicron-targeting strain, as well as a bivalent booster. But results of that work have not been revealed to date.
The booster shot is authorized for people 18 and older who, for medical or accessibility reasons, cannot take one of the bivalent messenger RNA Covid boosters, or who otherwise would not take a booster.
It can only be used as a first booster shot; anyone who has already had one or multiple boosters cannot opt to get this vaccine at this point. The booster shot is to be given at least six months after the administration of the second dose of a primary series of Covid vaccine.
What a mess. While the article acknowledges that the BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron “sub-variants” are essentially gone in the United States, they fail to point out the same about the long-extinct original Wuhan strain. This despite the fact that only strain targeted by the Novavax product is the original strain!
As a final note on this, I find it both amusing and disappointing that the author of this piece - as well as the individuals quoted - don’t seem to at all understand the reason why so few people are lining up for booster doses of any product, whether mRNA or otherwise. As I’ve taken to saying, “spike is spike is spike.”

ACIP stops short of adding COVID-19 shots to childhood schedule… not?

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) convened for their three-times-a-year meeting to talk about anything and everything vaccines. There was considerable alarm in the run-up to this particular meeting following the publication of a draft itinerary that seemed to suggest the group would vote to recommend adding COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood schedule in the United States.192021

This was absolutely worthy of the concern it received. As explained by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Mikhaila Peterson's podcast late last year, vaccines that are "officially recommended" for children are protected from any and all liability for injury or death they cause.22 While this is a concept that requires tremendous attention to detail to piece together at this point, it appears that the addition of these non-FDA-approved COVID-19 products to the childhood vaccine schedule would satisfy the requirement for "official recommendation." Of course, this would mean that in theory, Pfizer and Moderna (and their collaborators) would not be held accountable for any of the carnage they've inflicted on millions of people around this world since mid-2020 - or at least the hundreds of thousands in the United States.23

Indeed, Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense reported yesterday that ACIP “voted unanimously (15-0) to add COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months old to the new Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules, which will be rolled out in February 2023.”24
But did it actually happen? There seems to be some confusion on this. Let’s see if we can clear it up.
According to esteemed bioweapons researcher Meryl Nass, ACIP did not in fact vote to add the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood schedule - until they did.
Yes, in a confusing and likely deceptive turn of events, the CDC went ahead and added the COVID-19 vaccines to the schedule anyway. From Dr. Nass’ article:25
There were so many extraordinary goings on at this meeting, entirely apart from the braindead members and briefers who wanted to inject everyone for everything they might someday encounter somewhere.
One very peculiar thing was that the FDA ex-officio member (usually Doran Fink) did not show up at either of the two meeting days. It was a zoom meeting; surely SOMEONE at FDA could have zoomed in? Was this a snub because CDC had decided to put a vaccine on the childhood schedule before it was even licensed by FDA? Was CDC doing an end run around even the minimalist FDA regulatory processes now occurring?
This is one of those events that takes some sorting through to get to the bottom of, and I can’t yet say I understand what’s going on.
It is important to note that even the current mainstream reporting is unclear. Reuters, for example, stated on October 19th that while the COVID-19 shots had been added to the CDC’s Vaccines for Children Program, “health officials emphasized that they were not voting on adding COVID-19 shots to the CDC annual vaccination schedule. They said this was a step in that direction but did not lay out additional steps or the timeline for such a move.”26
On the other hand, Politico reported yesterday that ACIP “voted 15-0 Thursday to add most Covid-19 vaccines offered in the U.S. to the childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules.”27
More to come on this.
United Kingdom loses another Prime Minister

After only six weeks in office, Liz Truss has stepped down as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. From CTV News:28
After just 45 days in office, Truss became the third Conservative prime minister to be toppled in as many years, and she will go down as the shortest-serving leader in British history. Her resignation extends the instability that has shaken Britain since it broke off from the European Union and leaves its leadership in limbo as the country faces a cost-of-living crisis and looming recession.
“I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party,” Truss, 47, said outside her 10 Downing Street office.
Interestingly, this article authored by the Associated Press frames the UK’s instability as resulting from Brexit. My own understanding suggests that while the country’s exit from the European Union surely plays some part, it is far more likely that the COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent shattering of social and economic systems has led to Britain’s current crisis. Throw in Britain’s sanctions following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and you have the straw that broke Johnson’s Truss’ the citizens of the United Kingdom’s back.
And now, a quick word from our sponsor.
Freedom is always worth celebrating

Indeed, there is never a bad time to raise a glass in honour of our God-given freedom. We live in a time where Presidents deliver Red Sermons of division, while Prime Ministers remain in office for less time than a season of She-Hulk remains on the air.
Don’t sit idly by and hope for change; don’t pine for days where you could have a conversation without triggering your neighbour. Knock on their door today, with a bottle of Blood of Tyrants wine in hand, and toast to each other’s good health.
Buy your bottle at www.BloodofTyrants.wine and save $5 when you use coupon code EARTH at checkout. When you receive it in the mail and pour your first glass, take a picture and tag @RoundEarthClub and @BloodofTyrantsW on Twitter, and we’ll share your picture on an upcoming episode.
Pacific Northwest up in smoke

As we’ve previously covered, the Pacific Northwest of North America has been suffering a prolonged period of drought topped off with chart-topping air quality warnings.29 The above picture is from Seattle, Washington. It's a jaw-dropping reality: as of yesterday, Seattle ranked #1 in the world on the Air Quality Index (AQI).30 Portland is in a close third, while Vancouver, Canada pulls in at #12 - lower than it has been over the last week.
Needless to say, these scores should be interpreted like golf. These North American megacities are in “good” company alongside cities in India, China, Italy, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Myanmar.

Amidst this fog of fine particulate matter, philanthrocapitalist Bill Gates is using this opportunity as a poignant reminder to the world that he’s working on some big things in the general realm of “climate change.” Of course, none of them seem to address the actual health concerns that follow extended periods of inhaling smoke, instead focusing on “green jet fuel” that will allow him and his buddies to continue using their private jets without being labelled “climate criminals.”31
At his inaugural Breakthrough Energy Summit in Seattle, Gates and his colleagues discussed an array of projects in various stages of development to help further their goal of “trying to persuade more global leaders to accelerate a shift away from fossil fuels,” as stated by John Kerry.32

Some of the ventures funded through the Gates-founded Breakthrough Energy include:
LanzaJet, a startup company in Georgia developing “sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF.”33
LanzaJet’s technology takes ethanol from sources such as sugarcane in Brazil, waste gas in China or corn in the US and then chemically converts it into SAF and renewable diesel. Depending on the feedstock used to make the ethanol, LanzaJet says the greenhouse-gas emissions from its SAF could be as much as 85% lower than conventional fuel.
Antora Energy of California, “which is developing an energy storage system that can soak up surplus solar- and wind-generated electricity and deliver it to industrial customers who need to produce heat of up to 1,500 degrees Celsius.”
Electra of Colorado, which “has developed technology to use electricity in iron and steel production. The process operates at temperatures lower than a cup of freshly brewed coffee, replacing the intense heat generated by coking coal, according to Kevin Galloway, Electra’s director of engineering.”
Blue Frontier, a “Florida-based company that is developing new technology to slash use of refrigerants in air-conditioning systems. The process includes energy storage so that abundant solar power produced in the middle of the day could be used later.”
CubicPV in Massachusetts, which “is developing technologies to ‘dramatically boost the energy harvests’ of solar installations.”
Gates is also chair of TerraPower, a Washington-based company “that has announced plans to build a Natrium reactor — cooled by liquid sodium — at the site of a coal plant near Kemmerer, Wyoming, that’s scheduled to close.” The U.S. Department of Energy is generously offering to pay for half of the project using taxpayer dollars. How nice!

Remember, children - Sustainable Development Daddy cares about you.
That’s it for this week, folks! Thank you for tuning in. Don’t forget to support our work with a Superchat on YouTube, a Rumble Rant on Rumble, or a tip on Rokfin, and of course, please subscribe to Rounding the Earth on whichever channel is your favourite. We are also on Odysee, Bitchute and Brighteon, as well as almost every social media channel at @RoundingtheEarth or @RoundEarthClub on Twitter.
You can find me at www.LiamSturgess.com or @TheLiamSturgess on Twitter. Last but not least, become a paid subscriber of the Rounding the Earth newsletter at www.RoundingtheEarth.substack.com.
Toodle pip!
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just an FYI, Blood of Tyrants not possible to get in Canada, otherwise I would get some. Great show :)
The greatest Deception parade ever.
What is the simple Truth?
You are Great.
And by that I mean Liam RTE and everyone else.
The Greatest Capital of Humanity is Humanity itself
Do not let them tell you otherwise... you are Great!