Did the U.S. Attack the Pipelines?
Hurricane Ian, healthcare collapse continues, constructive dismissal, Hugh Jackman
Greetings, and welcome back to Rounding the News! I am Liam Sturgess, and here is a selection of the most important and interesting news that I have curated over the last week. The show is presented by Rounding the Earth, which is quickly becoming a multimedia enterprise for people across the world to stay informed, expand their community and connect with the bigger picture. Subscribe to Rounding the Earth on Substack, Rumble, YouTube, Spotify, and every other audio or video platform you love the most.
Health: Breakdown of healthcare system continues
Law: Court rules that vaccines can not be questioned, ever
Economy: Liquidity crisis and inflation soars
Geopolitics: Nord Stream pipeline attacked
Environment: Hurricane Ian
Culture: Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine in Deadpool 3
Breakdown of healthcare system continues
As we have reported on several times over the last month, healthcare systems across the world are collapsing. Here’s a look at just some of the headlines summarizing the crisis:
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Teen's 'nightmare' hospital wait a symptom of Alberta's health-care breakdown, doctors warn1
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada: Doctors: Red Deer’s hospital, “on the brink of collapse”2
Alexandria, Ontario, Canada: Alexandria, Ont. hospital closing its emergency department this weekend due to staff shortage3
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Child waits in CHEO ER 32 hours for a bed during Ottawa hospital’s busiest September4
Yankton, South Dakota, United States: A Call For Help, But This Time From EMS5
Judge rules that fired employees did it to themselves, because “vaccine good”
In an unnerving display of abdication of duty, British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Heather MacNaughton ruled in favour of a company’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy - on grounds that the safety of vaccines can’t possibly ever be questioned.
It’s actually not that far off. The Province writes:6
In her lawsuit, Deepak Parmar alleged that she had been constructively dismissed from her employment with Tribe Management, claiming that the company had breached its contractual obligations by imposing the mandatory policy. …
In her ruling on the case, the judge noted that the B.C. Supreme Court and other courts had taken judicial notice that COVID was a potentially deadly virus that is easily transmissible.
Judicial notice is a key concept here, and a huge failure on the part of the judicial system in Canada over the course of the COVID-19 crisis.
“Judicial notice is invoked to relieve parties from having to prove facts that are not in dispute. Thus, when judicial notice is taken of a fact, no formal evidence of that fact must be introduced at the trial or hearing.”7
While that seems useful and reasonable, it takes on a completely different character when applied across the board to dismiss arguments that go contrary to the establishment. As The Province describes, the Judge used it to avoid arguing over the level of risk posed by COVID (which I assume is meant to read “SARS-CoV-2”, as they are specifically speaking about the virus, not the disease. I digress…)
What they fail to mention is another thing the court took judicial notice on:8
…because I have taken judicial notice of the fact that vaccines are safe and effective for use in people and with respect to controlling the spread of COVID-19, it was solely Ms. Parmar’s choice not to comply with the MVP. The safety of vaccines is “so notorious as not to be the subject of dispute among reasonable people”: R. v. Williams, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 1128 at 1156, 1998 CanLII 782; see also O.M.S. at paras. 113–114, citing B.C.J.B. v. E.-R.R.R., 2020 ONCJ 438 at para. 188. Various publications by Health Canada and by the BC Ministry of Health and the Provincial Health Officer cannot reasonably be disputed to be inaccurate.
Wow. Now that is a doozy that will not age well.
Conflating “vaccines” and the specific gene therapy-based products offered to the defendant (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca, at the time) is factually baseless, as none of the COVID-19 vaccine products offered are at all comparable to “traditional” vaccines. This is one reason why continuing to refer to the COVID-19 injectables as “vaccines” is dangerous, and possibly legally counterproductive.
The COVID-19 vaccines were never demonstrated to be either safe or effective, due to the low-quality and otherwise fraudulent nature of the Phase III clinical trial conducted by Pfizer and its sub-contractors9 - Moderna and AstraZeneca’s trials are, by emerging accounts, just as bad.101112 It was known at the time, and it has borne out in the real world.13
The idea that COVID-19 “vaccines” control the “spread” of SARS-CoV-2 is so old now, it’s painful to learn people in positions of power repeat it now.14 And no, the mass vaccination program has not reduced any form of illness, mild or severe, let alone COVID-19.15
For the sake of time, I’ll let you finish the list of absurdities in just the section quoted above. There’s at least two more.
This week, I’d like to once again highlight the work of Gregory Mannarino over on YouTube. He does a lot of talking in his videos, but this helps provide one possible interpretation on the big picture through the lens of the financial markets.
A few highlights from Gregory’s analysis in yesterday’s video:16
Liquidity in the bond market is really bad right now. On Wednesday, 10-year Treasury bond yields recorded the biggest drop since 2009.17 I wish I could elaborate on the significance of this, but I’m out of my depth here.
It’s not just America. Japan’s bond market liquidity fell to its lowest level since 2011.18 See above caveat.
Right on schedule, Germany’s inflation hits 70-year high of 10%.19 This confirms the prediction made by the German Central Bank on August 22, blaming Russia (more on that in the Geopolitics section).20
Attack on Nord Stream pipelines

Nord Stream 1 and 2, the liquid natural gas pipelines that connect Russia to Germany, have both been damaged in an apparent attack on Tuesday.21 There were four confirmed leaks as of Thursday, with oil now emptying into the Baltic Sea.
While the culprit is not yet formally known, accusations are flying across the board. Predictably, the global West was quick to accuse Russia of self-sabotage - a suggestion that Russia quickly dismissed as “stupid.”22 Instead, they suggested, the United States was likely to blame given that the damaged sections are located in area controlled by American intelligence agencies.
Unless you’ve been living on a different planet altogether (even the underside of a rock won’t spare you from 2022), then you’ll be well aware that gas and energy as a whole have played a central role in essentially every aspect of geopolitics today, not the least of which is the conflict in Ukraine. From Al Jazeera:23
The Nord Stream pipelines have been flashpoints in an escalating energy war between European capitals and Moscow that has pummelled major Western economies, sent gas prices soaring and sparked a hunt for alternative energy supplies.
It’s difficult to assign intention at the present time, but we can add some recent historical context to try to understand what might be going on.
Russia authorized its “special military operation” into Ukraine on February 24, 2022.24 On March 8, 2022, U.S. President Joe Biden announced sanctions against Russia banning the importation of "Russian oil, liquefied natural gas, and coal to the United States."25 The White House described the move as a way to "further deprive President Putin of the economic resources he uses to continue his needless war of choice."
This is an interesting selection of words, which we will come back to. Regardless, it seems odd to try to deprive the enemy of resources… by depriving yourself of resources.
And that’s what the West appears to have done. Remember, Al Jazeera stated clearly that there is an ongoing “energy war… that has pummelled major Western Economies.” That would imply that Russia is weaponizing supply in order to deprive Western nations of much-needed oil, and indeed, that is the story we’re hearing about the most. From PBS NewsHour:26
Europe is struggling to contain an energy crisis that could lead to rolling blackouts, shuttered factories and a deep recession.
The primary cause: Russia has choked off the supplies of cheap natural gas that the continent depended on for years to run factories, generate electricity and heat homes. That has pushed European governments into a desperate scramble for new supplies and for ways to blunt the impact as economic growth slows and household utility bills rise.
The crisis deepened when Russia’s state-owned exporter Gazprom said the main pipeline carrying gas to Germany would stay closed, blaming an oil leak and claiming the problems could not be fixed because of sanctions barring many dealings with Russia.
European officials say it’s energy blackmail, aimed at pressuring and dividing the European Union as it supports Ukraine against Russia’s invasion.
So, who is responsible for Europe’s lack of oil? Well… Europe.
Don’t get me wrong: Russia surely benefits from a weakened West, allowing them to complete their efforts in Ukraine with less resistance. They aren’t even hurting for lost sales, as China and India have been all too happy to increase their purchases.2728
No, it was Europe who issued a “partial embargo” on importing Russian oil on June 6, 2022;29 one of a series of actions taken to cut off its own citizens from necessary oil.30 In addition, Germany agreed to voluntarily cut off its receipt of Russian gas by pipeline, preventing Nord Stream 2 from beginning operations in the country as was originally planned.31 This let Europe claim it was successfully on track to cut imports of Russian oil "by 90%."
The result? German families are dealing with skyrocketing energy bills, which are being blamed on Russia.32 This, coupled with inflation that reached 7.5% in June, is putting everyday people in a tremendously precarious position. If you're the BBC, you're blaming this all on Russia:33
How has Russia restricted supplies?
Russia has been reducing gas supplies through Nord Stream 1 for a number of months.
In June, it cut deliveries through the pipeline by 75% - from 170m cubic metres of gas a day to roughly 40m cubic metres.
In July, Russia shut it down for 10 days, citing the need for maintenance. When it reopened, the flow was halved to 20m cubic metres a day.
In late August, it shut down Nord Stream 1 entirely, blaming problems with equipment.
The pipeline has not been open since then.
Hm. It’s interesting how the BBC is able to completely leave out the fact that Europe - and Germany in particular - enthusiastically bragged over the course of months about turning oil away. No, it seems this is all Russia’s fault that Germany is now implementing “energy rationing” rules.34
For the record, California did some of that earlier this month, too.35 It turns out they haven’t quite figured out a way to replace all the oil they love to condemn.
So, if the pipelines were essentially turned off anyway, what would be the motivation behind blowing parts of them up with the equivalent of 500 kilograms of TNT?36

Beyond the obvious possibility of using a “false flag operation” to provoke Russia into a retaliatory attack (as Reuters may be substantiating in the above Tweet), there are some independent analysts suggesting the real goal may have been to remove Germany’s ability to backtrack on their sanctions.
Up until now, there was always the possibility of having Russia send more oil through, which would be a political defeat for Germany but would prevent a tremendous amount of damage as winter rears its chilly head. But with Nord Stream 1 and 2 both physically inoperable for the near future - and Western sanctions continuing to make repairs highly unlikely37 - the country is now stuck with its decision. There's no going back now.
"Once you go green, you'll quickly go lean." If that’s not yet a saying, let’s make it happen.
I will leave further speculation on the culprit to the readers, but it seems as though such an act would require substantial coordination among the Western powers in the area. Russia is no more of a reliable source than any other national government, so I don’t take their assertion of U.S. involvement at face value, but it is an interesting possibility to consider that the West would shoot itself in the foot to distract itself from its headache.
For further analysis on this situation and others surrounding the Ukraine-Russia conflict (and its global participants) I highly recommend watching The Duran, who just yesterday hosted the excellent Robert Barnes for a discussion called Cui bono, "to whom is it a benefit?"38
And now, let’s take a quick break to hear from our sponsor.
Blood of Tyrants Wine
Blood of Tyrants returns as our sponsor for today’s episode, and what better time to toast our fellow freedom-loving brothers and sisters?
Blood of Tyrants is a merlot with a rich garnet color, with flavors of black cherries, plums, and figs, with a soft and smooth finish. With its crisp acidity and ripe fruit flavors, this wine is an easy match for any occasion. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants."
Metaphorically, of course.
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Move over, Fiona: it’s Ian’s turn to play
Hurricane Fiona was downgraded from a hurricane to a “tropical storm” on Friday last week, thankfully seeming to avoid causing any serious injuries or deaths (at least so far.)39
Unfortunately, North America’s East Coast isn’t out of the woods yet. Despite my use of the word “play” in the headline, this is a very serious situation for many people in the affected areas, particularly parts of Florida.
In fact, this second hurricane (itself a Category 5) made landfall on Florida’s west coast on Wednesday, causing significant damage to the city of Fort Myers. From the BBC:40
Governor [Ron] DeSantis says emergency and rescue services have been working around the clock to ensure roads are cleared and people are safe.
Widespread infrastructure damage has been reported. DeSantis says damage to telephone towers has been considerable.
But, he adds, most school districts in the state will be reopening either on Friday or Monday.

President Joe Biden said that “Hurricane Ian could be the deadliest hurricane in Florida's history,” and “early reports suggest substantial loss of life.” Reports from local officials suggested that between 9 and 13 people had been killed as of Thursday evening.41 As Joey Garrison wrote in USA TODAY:42
It wasn’t clear on what Biden based his estimation on the loss of life. The 1928 Okeechobee hurricane killed an estimated 2,500 in Florida. Hurricane Andrew, which ravaged south Florida in 1992, killed 43.
Specificity is very important in emergency situations, and hyperbole is counterproductive. Of course, any life lost as a result of a natural disaster is a tragedy.
The Washington Post reported that “[h]urricane warnings have been posted for the entire South Carolina coast, while tropical storm warnings are in effect from just north of West Palm Beach, [Florida], all the way to Duck, [North Carolina].”43
Wolverine isn’t quite ready to hang up his claws after all
I haven’t yet had a chance to share too much about my (largely dormant) hobby of foreign comic book collecting, but I am happy to slowly introduce this area of my life as appropriate through our discussion of relevant pop culture. How much of an effect does this have on the lives and well-being of the average person around the world?
In my opinion: way more than we give it credit for.
Heroes come in many different forms, and I’ve been blessed with the chance to speak to, learn from and meet hundreds of new heroes in the course of pushing back against the “COVID tyranny.” In fact, these doctors, lawyers, police, politicians, artists, soccer moms, suit-and-tie dads and the raft of remarkable “everyday” people are without a doubt the real-life versions of “superheroes.”
In other words, we get to experience heroism in real time. But it can be really nice to step back from reality every once in awhile and lose ourselves in a world of fiction. The heroes we discover there may not be real, but a really well-done movie can temporarily convince you they are, and provide a sort of simulation that can then inspire real-world acts of heroism.
Then, there’s Deadpool.

Deadpool and its sequel, Deadpool 2, were a lot of fun. They took place in the fictional X-Men universe of movies produced by Fox; the same universe that saw the popular Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman retire from his leading role in 2017.44
Then, in 2019, Disney completed its purchase of Fox and officially began the merging of the X-Men franchise with its own highly-acclaimed Marvel Cinematic Universe.45
It's been understood for some time that the third Deadpool movie would be part of the MCU when it eventually came about, and this has now been officially confirmed for a September 2024 release, with an added twist: Hugh Jackman will return to play Wolverine one final time.46 Check out the hilarious announcement video below. You deserve a break.
That does it for today’s news roundup! Subscribe to Rounding the Earth to keep up-to-date on our new videos as they come out multiple times a week, and support us by sending us a Superchat on YouTube, a Rumble Rant on Rumble, or a tip on Rokfin. I have been Liam Sturgess, and you can find me at www.LiamSturgess.com, or @TheLiamSturgess on Twitter.
See you next week!
Lee, J. (2022, September 29). Teen’s “nightmare” hospital wait a symptom of Alberta’s health-care breakdown, doctors warn. CBC News. https://web.archive.org/web/20220930015334/https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/teen-s-nightmare-hospital-wait-a-symptom-of-alberta-s-health-care-breakdown-doctors-warn-1.6599216
Hall, J. (2022, September 29). Doctors: Red Deer’s hospital, “on the brink of collapse.” Red Deer News Now. https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/09/29/doctors-red-deers-hospital-on-the-brink-of-collapse/
Pringle, J. (2022, September 29). Alexandria, Ont. hospital closing its emergency department this weekend due to staff shortage. CTV News Ottawa. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/alexandria-ont-hospital-closing-its-emergency-department-this-weekend-due-to-staff-shortage-1.6090162
Pringle, J. (2022, September 29). Child waits in CHEO ER 32 hours for a bed during Ottawa hospital’s busiest September. CTV News Ottawa. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/child-waits-in-cheo-er-32-hours-for-a-bed-during-ottawa-hospital-s-busiest-september-1.6090576
Hertz, K. (2022, September 30). A Call For Help, But This Time From EMS. Yankton Press & Dakotan. https://www.yankton.net/opinion/editorials/article_27b8fdd8-405b-11ed-8eff-bf84ea742a44.html
Fraser, K. (2022, September 29). Judge upholds B.C. employer’s mandatory COVID vaccination policy. The Province. https://theprovince.com/news/local-news/judge-upholds-b-c-employers-mandatory-covid-vaccination-policy
Weighing Evidence - Chapter 10: Judicial notice and specialized knowledge. (2021, April 20). Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. https://irb.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/legal-concepts/Pages/EvidPreu10.aspx
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Nevradakis, M. (2022, March 1). Judge Unseals 400 Pages of Evidence, Clears Way for Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit. Children’s Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/judge-evidence-pfizer-whistleblower-lawsuit/
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Baker, E. (2021, March 26). March Madness: AstraZeneca Fudges the Clinical Trial Results for Its COVID-19 Vaccine. Constantine Cannon. https://constantinecannon.com/whistleblower/astrazeneca-fudges-clinical-trial-results-for-its-covid19-vaccine/
Kmietowicz, Z. (2021). Covid-19: Officials query data from AstraZeneca’s US vaccine trial. BMJ, n807. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n807
Canadian Covid Care Alliance. (2021, December 16). The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good. Rumble. https://rumble.com/vqx3kb-the-pfizer-inoculations-do-more-harm-than-good.html
Frazer, J. (2021, December 16). The Risk of Vaccinated COVID Transmission Is Not Low. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-risk-of-vaccinated-covid-transmission-is-not-low/
Jones, I., & Hurst, B. (2022, September 29). Warning of infections wave as number of Covid hospital patients soars. MyLondon. https://www.mylondon.news/news/health/warning-new-infections-wave-number-25135253
Mannarino, G. (2022, September 29). THEY ARE BREEDING US LIKE LAB RATS TO CONSUME... ONLY TO K!LL US OFF. Market Updates. Mannarino. YouTube.
Banerji, G. (2022, September 29). Bond Market Liquidity is Really Bad Right Now. Wall Street Journal. https://archive.ph/kFCoV
Hidaka, M., & Kondo, M. (2022, September 29). Japan’s Bond Market Liquidity Falls to Lowest Level Since 2011. Bloomberg. https://archive.ph/LlBOY
Martinez, M. (2022, September 29). German inflation hits highest level in more than 70 years. MarketWatch. https://archive.ph/jqWEp
Tan, H. (2022, August 22). Inflation in Germany could hit a 70-year high of 10% amid Russia’s natural-gas squeeze, German central bank chief says. Business Insider. https://archive.ph/2zzpc
Eddy, M. (2022, September 27). Pipeline Breaks Look Deliberate, Europeans Say, Exposing Vulnerability. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/27/world/europe/pipeline-leak-russia-nord-stream.html
Russia says Nord Stream pipeline leaks were in US zone. (2022, September 29). Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/29/fourth-leak-detected-at-nord-stream-pipelines-in-baltic-sea
Poland, Denmark fear “sabotage” over Russian gas pipeline leaks. (2022, September 27). Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/27/sweden-issues-warning-of-two-gas-leaks-on-nord-stream-1-pipeline
Osborn, A., & Nikolskaya, P. (2022, February 24). Russia’s Putin authorises “special military operation” against Ukraine. Reuters. https://archive.ph/9FTsE
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McHugh, D. (2022, September 6). Europe is facing an energy crisis as Russia cuts gas. Here’s why. PBS NewsHour. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/europe-is-facing-an-energy-crisis-as-russia-cuts-gas-heres-why
China’s growing purchases of Russian oil carry hidden risks. (2022, September 5). Nikkei Asia. https://archive.ph/cGsHB
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Cahill, B. (2022, June 8). European Union Imposes Partial Ban on Russian Oil. Center for Strategic and International Studies. https://www.csis.org/analysis/european-union-imposes-partial-ban-russian-oil
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Germans feeling the squeeze over surging food, energy prices. (2022, August 22). Anadolu Agency. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/germans-feeling-the-squeeze-over-surging-food-energy-prices/2666505
Nord Stream 1: How Russia is cutting gas supplies to Europe. (2022, September 29). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60131520
Caddle, P. (2022, August 25). Germany to Implement Energy Rationing Measures as Gas Riots Feared. Breitbart. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/08/25/winter-of-discontent-germany-to-implement-energy-rationing-amid-fears-of-gas-riots/
Ivanova, I. (2022, September 6). California grid operator calls for power rationing as state sizzles. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-heat-blackout-risk-power-rationing/
Germany Believes High Explosive Devices Equivalent To “500 Kilograms Of TNT” Used To Destroy Nord Stream. (2022, September 29). ZeroHedge. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/another-nord-stream-leak-detected-swedish-coastguard-says
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The Duran. (2022, September 29). Cui bono, “to whom is it a benefit?” w/Robert Barnes (Live). Rumble. https://rumble.com/v1m09w8-cui-bono-to-whom-is-it-a-benefit-wrobert-barnes-live.html
Hurricane Fiona: Canada braces for “historic, extreme event.” (2022, September 24). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63011195
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Deliso, M. (2022, September 29). Multiple deaths reported after Hurricane Ian slams into Florida. ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/US/multiple-deaths-reported-hurricane-ian-slams-florida/story?id=90693636
Garrison, J. (2022, September 29). After FEMA update, Biden says Ian could be “deadliest hurricane in Florida’s history.” Yahoo! News; USA TODAY. https://news.yahoo.com/fema-biden-says-ian-could-181727796.html
Rosenthal, Z. (2022, September 29). Ian is forecast to regain hurricane strength and strike South Carolina. Washington Post. https://archive.ph/kI7Bi
Jerry Seinfeld Convinced Hugh Jackman to Retire as Wolverine. (2017, November 29). Variety. https://variety.com/video/hugh-jackman-wolverine-jerry-seinfeld/
St. James, E. (2019, March 20). Disney/Fox merger: what Disney owns now. Vox. https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/3/20/18273477/disney-fox-merger-deal-details-marvel-x-men
Glasner, E. (2022, September 28). Snikt! Ryan Reynolds’ favourite frenemy Hugh Jackman to appear in Deadpool 3. CBC News. https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/deadpool-and-wolverine-marketing-1.6598626
Nobody talks about the explosive drone found on the pipeline in 2015…
Or that being the same year the US Navy publicly announced their underwater drone program.
Kind of odd that both those things occurred at the same time the US was overthrowing the Ukrainian government at the objections of Russia…
If this amount of means, motive and opportunity was against you or I, we’d be sitting in a federal holding cell waiting our trial….
I've not watched your vid yet, but wouldn't it be embarrassing if Western-trained & equipped Ukrainian extremists acted on their own initiative....?
It's not uncommon for Western-armed militants to bite us on the backside: