COVID-19 Reports #6: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (Part 1)
...and the benefit of the doubt in the faces of overregulation
Back for more, are we? Good. There’s lots to cover and far too little time to get caught up.
I began working on a very relevant, very exciting project in the last week and a half that I am very excited to share. To give a hint, let’s just say it’s a video project - the third in a series that I’ve had the privilege to contribute to in my own small way. It is led by someone you will likely know by name, due to her incredible work exposing Pfizer’s highly problematic clinical trial data. She’s been a mentor to me in the short time I’ve known her, and the world owes her (and frankly, many others who have remained behind the scenes) a debt that can never be repaid. Stay tuned.
For now, I wanted to share what I’ve accumulated so far in my research on a dastardly group plaguing Canada’s efforts to properly help thousands of patients in Canada’s capital province. This is a painful topic as I have gotten to know no less than four far too many doctors who have been attacked and hurt for doing no less than exactly the job they signed up for, which is to treat the sick. Truly, this is not an unbiased report. I am very angry at the people that this report focuses on, and I promise that I have done my best not to let that guide me. I’ll go ahead and say there are a few individuals on this list that don’t appear to necessarily be conflicted, and I will give them the same benefit of the doubt they owe to people like Dr. Ira Bernstein, Dr. Patrick Phillips, Dr. Rochagne Killian, and the others they’ve decided are “dangerous dissenters”.
This is a preliminary report on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), examining the roles of these individuals in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the CPSO’s penchant to discipline doctors who speak or act contrarily to the college, it is worth exploring whether these policies were influenced from outside interests.
As such, this report frames these CPSO associates in a high-level overview, taking into account their professional, academic and relevant personal connections that may constitute a conflict of interest. As of March 13, 2022, there are 36 members on the CPSO Council. This includes the President, Elected Professional Members, Public Members, and University Representatives. This report features 12 of these council members.
I encourage you to download a copy for yourself to print and distribute, or simply for archival purposes. No need to credit me as the information itself is what’s important.
To learn more about the CPSO, visit the group’s Campfire Wiki page by clicking here!
An important note: everything I write about is fully sourced, referenced and cited. I’m not making anything up. I am not unbiased, but I am deeply committed to evidence-based science and reporting, and will do nothing less than that here. Most importantly, all my resources are included for you to “fact-check” for yourself and evaluate their reliability and verifiability.

Madhu Azad
Dr. Madhu Azad is a Canadian physician in Thunder Bay, Ontario. She is notable in the COVID-19 pandemic due to her position at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Azad is a candidate for McGill University's International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL) program.1
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Azad is an Elected Professional Member for Electoral District 9 to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.2
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Azad is an Assistant Professor in Family Medicine at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.3
NOSM is funded by AstraZeneca, Barrick Gold Corporation, BMO Financial Group, Bristol-Myers Squibb, the Chronicle-Journal, CMA Foundation, CTV, Eli Lilly, Fidelity, Fort William Family Health Network, Honda, HSBC, Masonic Foundation of Ontario, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Scotiabank, Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada, the Sudbury Star, Sun Life Financial, TD Bank Group, and Wyeth.4
Thunder Bay Medical Centre
Azad works as a physician at Superior Family Health, located within Thunder Bay Medical Centre.5 6
Thunder Bay Medical Society
Azad is associated with the Thunder Bay Medical Society.7 She served as President in 2016.8 The TBMS is associated with Lakehead University.
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Azad has hospital privileges at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.9

Glen Bandiera
Dr. Glen William Bandiera MD, FRCPC, BASc (Engin.) MEd, is a Canadian emergency physician in Toronto, Ontario. He is notable in the COVID-19 pandemic due to his position with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.10
Bandiera attended McMaster University from 1990-1998 for his Doctor in Medicine, then completed his Master of Education at the University of Toronto from 1996-2000.11 12 He also holds a degree in Engineering and Management Science from the University of Waterloo.13
Canadian Association of Medical Education
Bandiera formerly served as President of the Canadian Association for Medical Education and the founding Director of the CAME Foundation.14
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Bandiera represents Electoral District 10 at the CPSO.
Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
In addition to his role on the CPSO Council, Bandiera is an adjudicator for the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal alongside colleague Lucy Becker.15
Medical Council of Canada
Bandiera is a member of the National Assessment Collaboration on the Medical Council of Canada.16
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
In June 2021, Bandiera was announced as the new Executive Director for the Office of Specialty Education (OSE) at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. His term began August 30, 2021.
International Competency-Based Medical Education Collaborators
Bandiera is a member-at-large of the International Competency-Based Medical Education (ICBME) Collaborators, an initiative hosted at the RCPSC.17
Unity Health Toronto
Bandiera is employed at St. Michael’s Hospital under Unity Health Toronto.18
UHT receives funding through the St. Michael’s Foundation by American Express, Amgen, Apple, AstraZeneca, Barrick Gold, Baxter, Bayer, BD, Bell, Bloomberg, BMO Financial Group, Brookfield, Cadillac Fairview, Calgary Foundation, Canadian Heart Research Centre, Cerner, CIBC, Cisco, Corus Entertainment, Credit Suisse, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Dell, Deloitte, Fidelity, General Motors, Green Shield Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Honeywell, HSBC, Huawei Technologies, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Controls, KPMG, Li Ka Shing Foundation, Loblaws, Longview Communications and Public Affairs, Manulife, Mastercard, Merck, Merrill Lynch, the Municipality of Metro Toronto, National Bank of Canada, OMeGA Medical Grants Association, Pancreatic Cancer Canada Foundation, Pfizer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Roche, Rogers, Salesforce, Samsung, Sanofi, SAS Institute, Scotiabank, Staples, Stryker, Sun Life Financial, Sysco, Tangerine Bank, TD Bank Group, TELUS, Thomson Reuters, Toronto Mayor John Tory, University of Ottawa, Viatris, ZebraPeutics, and Zimmer Biomet.19 20 21
University of Toronto
Bandiera is the Associate Dean of Post-Graduate Medical Education for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.22 23
Bandiera has published research on cognitive bias.24
Lucy Becker
Lucy Becker (née Rybka) is a Canadian communications and public affairs specialist based in Toronto, Ontario. She is notable in the COVID-19 pandemic due to her role with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Becker holds simultaneous positions with the CPSO, the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT), and the Bereavement Society of Ontario, meaning she both influences and enforces policies governing healthcare providers and burials/cremations.
Her LinkedIn interests include Brookfield, Globe Advisor (of the Globe and Mail), the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the Toronto District School Board.25
Becker studied Public Administration at Ryerson University, Political Science at Trent University, and Journalism at Durham College.26 While attending the latter, she acted as journalist and Feature Editor for The Chronicle newspaper.27
On September 8, 1984, Rybka married Harold Becker.28
The News Advertiser
Becker was a reporter for The News Advertiser, a local newspaper in Ajax, Ontario.29
Government of Ontario (1988-1997)
Becker worked in various senior communications positions within the Government of Ontario and on political staff, including Press Secretary to several Cabinet Ministers. She ran unsuccessfully as a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP) in the 1993 federal election.30
Brewers Retail Incorporated (1997-1999)
Becker worked as Communications Manager at Brewers Retail Incorporated (The Beer Store) from February 1997 to November 1999.
Law Society of Upper Canada (1999-2005)
Becker was hired as Manager of the Law Society of Upper Canada (now the Law Society of Ontario), and was quickly promoted to Director.31 She headed up communications and public affairs.32
AGF Management Limited (2006-2011)
From November 2006 until July 2011, Becker worked as Vice President of Corporate Communications for AGF Management Limited, a capital markets firm.33
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (2011-2021)
In July 2011, Becker acted as a spokesperson and Vice President, Public Affairs and Member Education Services for the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.34 She concluded this role in June 2021.35
On November 19, 2014, Becker was quoted in a press release discussing the IIROC's partnership with JA Central Ontario. JACO (associated with JA Canada and JA Worldwide) is funded by Accenture, Aecon, AGF Management, AIG, American Express, AXA, AXIS, Barclays, Barrick Gold, Baxter, BMO Financial Group, Booz Allen Hamilton, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Brookfield, Business Development Bank of Canada, Cadillac Fairview, Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council, Capital One, Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine, CIBC, Cisco, Citi, Cognizant Foundation, Corus Entertainment, Dell, Deloitte, Equifax, Ernst & Young, FedEx, Fidelity, Freedom Mobile, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Google, the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, Hewlett Packard, HSBC, IBM, Invesco, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, LinkedIn, Manulife, Marsh McLennan, Mastercard, McAffee, McDonald's, Medcan Health, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, National Bank of Canada, Nestlé, Nokia, Ontario Pharmacists' Association, Ontario Securities Commission, Oracle, PepsiCo, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Procter & Gamble, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Refinitiv, Rogers, Salesforce, SAP, Scotiabank, Staples, State Street, Sun Life Financial, Swiss Re, TC Energy, TD Bank Group, TELUS, Thomson Reuters, UBS, WestJet, and the Zurich Foundation.36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Many of these are member organizations of the World Economic Forum.47 Importantly, JA Central Ontario is also funded by IIROC itself.
Additional partnerships include Boston Consulting Group and the Toronto District School Board.48
Becker's hiring at IIROC immediately following her employment at AGF Management is of note, given the $30,000.00 - $74,999.00 cumulative donation from AGF to IIROC.
Don Valley Community Legal Services (2021-present)
In June 2021, Becker joined the Board of Directors for Don Valley Community Legal Services.49
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (2021-present)
In August 2021, Becker was announced as a new public member on the Council for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, representing Toronto. She is also a member of the Fitness to Practice Committee.
Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (2021-present)
The month after her appointment to the CPSO, Becker also became an adjudicator for the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT).50
Bereavement Authority of Ontario (2022-present)
In January 2022, Becker joined the Board of Directors for the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.
Other Affiliations
Blue Line Magazine
Becker served as a contributing writer to Blue Line Magazine during the early 1990's.51
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
At some point, Becker was associated with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The JDRF is funded/sponsored by and/or partnered with Abbott, AGF Management, AMG Medical, Ascensia Diabetes Care, Astral Media, Avison Young, Bank of America, Bayer, BD, Bell Media, BlackRock, BMO Financial Group, Broadbridge, Cadillac Fairview, Calgary Herald, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canadian National Railway, Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group, Canadian Paediatric Society, Capital One, CIBC, Cisco, Citi, CTVglobemedia, Deloitte, DexCom, Diabetes Canada, Diabetes Express Pharmacy, Dignity Memorial, Eli Lilly, Ernst & Young, FedDev Ontario, Fidelity, Ford, the Georgia Straight, GlaxoSmithKline, Global News, the Globe and Mail, Goldman Sachs, Honda, HSBC, IBM, Innovative Medicines Canada, JPMorgan Chase, KPMG, LifeScan, LMC Healthcare, Loblaws, London Drugs, Mastercard, Medtronic, Merril Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Motorola, Mount Sinai Hospital, PepsiCo, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, National Bank of Canada, Novo Nordisk, Insulet, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Quebecor, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Roche (through Accu-Chek), Rothschild Inc., Sanofi, Satellos Bioscience, Scotiabank, Shaw, SNC-Lavalin, Sun Life Financial, Tandem Diabetes Care, TD Bank Group, TELUS, Toronto Community Foundation, UBS, United Way, University Health Network, UPS, Vancouver Foundation, Walmart, Wells Fargo, and Ypsomed Selfcare Solutions.52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Ontario Community Council on Impaired Driving
Becker was also at some point associated with the Ontario Community Council on Impaired Driving.
Public Affairs Association of Canada
Becker is listed as a “PAAC Professional” associated with the Public Affairs Association of Canada.60 PAAC is partnered with Amazon Web Services, Postmedia, and the Samara Centre for Democracy.61
On October 6, 2020, Becker participated in a webinar on economic security hosted by CanAge.62 CanAge is affiliated with the University of Toronto and United Way.63

Mary Bell
Dr. Mary Jane Bell, M.D., FRCP(C), is a Canadian physician and rheumatologist located in Toronto, Ontario. She is notable during the COVID-19 pandemic due to her position with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Bell is registered to conduct business as Mary Jane Bell Medicine Professional Corporation. The initial filing was dated June 1, 2010, though the corporation name appears to include a typo.64
Dr. Bell attended McGill University, graduating in 1973 with her Bachelor of Sciences in Physical Therapy. She received her medical degree in 1979 and her Master’s degree in design, measurement and evaluation in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics from McMaster University in 1988.65 She completed her postgraduate training at McMaster and the University of Toronto.
Canadian Rheumatology Association
Bell has received several grant awards from the Canadian Rheumatology Association.66 67 68
The CRA is sponsored by AbbVie, Gilead Sciences, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Fresenius, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Organon, GlaxoSmithKline, Medexus, Roche, Sobi, Viatris, Teva Pharmaceuticals, UCB, Accord Healthcare, Sandoz, Alexion, JAMP Pharma, Innomar Strategies, Sanofi, Mallinckrodt, Association of Women in Rheumatology, Celltrion Healthcare, Esaote, The Rounds Network, Arthritis Society, MD Financial Management, the Canadian Medical Association Celgene, and Scotiabank.69 70 71 72
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Bell is the Academic Representative for the University of Toronto at the CPSO.73
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
Bell is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Southlake Regional Health Centre
Bell has hospital privileges at Southlake Regional Health Centre.74
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Bell is an Associate Scientist in Evaluative Clinical Sciences and clinician investigator at the Sunnybrook Research Institute, working as Division Head and Staff Rheumatologist, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Her work is in partnership with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).75
University Health Network
Bell is a research scientist in the Arthritis Community Research and Evaluation Unit and in the Arthritis and Immune Disorder Research Centre, University Health Network in Toronto.
University of Toronto
Bell is Director of Continuing Education in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto.76
A LinkedIn page apparently representing Bell lists her as having worked as a healthcare marketing consultant with Martine Taylor Consulting from 2004-2006.77
Bell is one of the lead investigators on the National Getting a Grip on Arthritis project, funded by Health Canada’s Primary Health Care Transition fund and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).78
Dr. Bell's research is focused on arthritis and medical education. Her latest project, “Self-Assessment Triage in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Pilot Study,” is funded by Canadian Initiative for Outcomes in Rheumatology Care (CIORA).
She recently completed a study funded by CIORA on medication adherence in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Brenda Copps
Dr. Brenda Copps is a family physician in Hamilton, Ontario.
Copps is a member of the influential Copps family.79
Victor Copps
Her father Victor Copps served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II, and moved to Hamilton in 1945, where he was hired as a sports reporter for CHML Radio.80 He was elected as senior controller on the Board of Control in 1960, and became Deputy Mayor of Hamilton. He was then elected as Mayor in December 1962 - the office he held until a major heart attack in 197681 - and was an unsuccessful candidate for the Ontario Liberal Party in 1964.82
Geraldine Copps
Copps mother Geraldine (née Guthro) served as a citizenship court judge from 1976 - 1985. She was then elected five times to the Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Council from 1985 - 2000.83 Among several controversial actions was an “unauthorized visit” to a sewage treatment plant that nearly resulted in a police confrontation. However, she also contributed to substantial reform in Ontario building code standards to increase accessibility for the disabled population, for which she received a plaque recognizing her work.
Sheila Copps
Copps sister Sheila followed the family tradition and became a Member of Provincial Parliament for Hamilton Centre from 1981 - 1984, then Member of Parliament for Hamilton East, serving from 1984 - 2004.84 She concurrently served as Deputy Prime Minister under Jean Chrétien from 1993 - 1997 and as Minister of the Environment from 1993 - 1996. She also originated the role of Heritage Minister, serving from 1996 - 2003. She is considered one of Canada’s foremost female politicians. Since retiring from political office, Copps has written for the National Post and the Hill Times.85 In March 2020, Copps exchanged emails with the office of the Procurement Minister in which she offered to provide a source for personal protective equipment (PPE) in response to the COVID-19 crisis.86 Conservative MP Michael Barrett called for an investigation into whether her actions constituted a violation of lobbying laws. Copps had co-founded her own PPE company around the same time, and was appointed to the Board of Advisors for stem cell therapy company Hemostemix in April 2020.87 She is named on a list of PPE providers for the City of Toronto, dated June 2021.88
All in all, the Copps family “has dominated Hamilton-area politics on the municipal, provincial and federal levels” for generations.89
Copps studied Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo after high school, and later graduated from McMaster University in 1981.90
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Copps served as President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in 2020. She was a practicing physician at Core Care Family Health Team at the time of her election. Copps tapped Dr. Christine Glenny (a new addition to her team) to cover her appointments on Tuesdays while she attended CPSO meetings in Toronto.91
It is unclear why Dr. Copps was chosen as President, as she has a history of mixed reviews from patients from well before (and after) 2020.92 Interestingly, Google displays contradictory information as the search results place her 2.5 star rating from Rate MDs right overtop three five-star ratings.93
Copps remained with the CPSO in 2021 as an “Elected Professional Member” for “Electoral District 4”.94
Hamilton Family Health Team
Copps is currently listed as actively practicing at Core Family Health Team under Hamilton Family Health Team.95 96 She operates under the corporate entity “Dr. Brenda Copps Medicine Professional Corporation”, certified on July 28, 2006. Her registered business addresses and places of work include McMaster Children’s Hospital,97 Juravinski Hospital,98 St. Joseph’s Healthcare’s Charlton Campus,99 and Hamilton General Hospital.100 She served as a board member and Chairperson of the Hamilton Family Health Team.101 Her practice at Core Care Family Health Team doctors "STRONGLY recommend" their patients receive a COVID-19 injection, and direct people with questions to a page called "VaxFacts" run by the Scarborough Health Network (SHN).102 103
St. Joseph’s Hospital
She also served a term as chief of the Department of Family Medicine at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
McMaster University
She is an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) in Family Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.104
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Copps formerly served on the Board of Directors of the Art Gallery of Hamilton,105 which received at least $59,500.00 from the Hamilton Community Foundation in 2020/2021 out of COVID-19 relief funds.106 107 108 The Gallery gave the Foundation $247,720.00 in 2019/2020.109
Robert Gratton
Dr. Robert Jeffrey Gratton is a Canadian physician in London, Ontario, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.
Gratton trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Western Ontario, and attended the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine for a fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine.110
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Gratton is a Diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Gratton is the elected representative for District 2 of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.111 He first joined the CPSO Council in December 2016.
Government of Ontario
Dr. Gratton is a member of the Maternal and Perinatal Review Committee under Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario.
Lawson Health Research Institute
Gratton is a scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute, the research institute of London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Care London.112 The LHRI “works with over 200 business and industry partners in more than 25 countries.” Partners include the Children's Health Foundation, Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine (IBYME), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC), Robarts Research Institute, South West Regional Cancer Program, and University of Western Ontario.113
London Health Sciences Centre
Gratton is a medical practitioner at Victoria Hospital under London Health Sciences Centre, where he recently completed a six-year term as Chief of Obstetrics.114 115 LHSC is funded in part by Air Canada, Berkshire Hathaway, TD Bank Group, and Walmart.116
Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health
Gratton was a member of the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health.117
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Gratton is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada
Gratton is a member of the Obstetrical Review Committee for the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada.
St. Joseph's Health Care London
Gratton has hospital privileges at St. Joseph's Health Care London. Donors to the St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation include 3M, Cerner, CIBC, Toyota, Trudell Medical, and Volkswagen.118
University of Western Ontario
Gratton is an Associate Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. His salary in 2012 was $106,420.00.119
Gratton developed the first Obstetrical Triage Acuity Scale (OTAS©) which is implemented in hospitals across Canada and in other countries. This research received an Accreditation Canada Leading Practice Award and an Academic Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario Provincial Innovation Award.120 121
Gratton has had research funded by the Academic Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario (AMOSO),122 123 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR),124 Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health,125 Lawson Health Research Institute,126 Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care,127 and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).128

Roy Kirkpatrick
Dr. Howard Roy Kirkpatrick is a Canadian general surgeon based in Muskoka, Ontario. He is relevant in the COVID-19 pandemic due to his position with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
His CPSO registration number is 50976. He received the 2018 Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Section Service Award for General Surgery, having been nominated by the OMA Section on General Surgery and the Ontario Association of General Surgeons (OAGS).129 He was also awarded the rural specialist merit award by the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada.130
Kirkpatrick's front facing email is
Kirkpatrick graduated from Queen's University in 1977.132
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Kirkpatrick sits on the Council of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and on the Specialty Education Committee and Regional Advisory Council. He is an advocate for Competence by Design, an educational framework for continuous improvement of medical residents.133
Canadian Red Cross
He is known for his contributions to health care outside of Muskoka as a volunteer aid worker with the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Team, which took him to Haiti in 2010.134
Cuso International
Kirkpatrick moved to Muskoka after a two-year stint in Papua New Guinea, where he and his wife volunteered with Cuso International.135
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
Kirkpatrick is on staff at Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, practicing medicine at the South Muskoka Memorial Site and Huntsville District Memorial Hospital.
MAH is funded by BDO, Bell, BMO Financial Group, Canadian Cancer Society, CIBC, CMA Foundation, IBM, Kodak, McDonald's, Petro Canada, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Sanofi, Scotiabank, Shoppers Drug Mart, TD Bank Group, the Toronto Foundation, Toyota, United Way, and Walmart.136 137
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)
He has been affiliated with Médecins Sans Frontières, or Doctors Without Borders, and completed a trip to Pakistan in the spring of 2015.138
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Kirkpatrick is a general surgeon and Chair of the Division of Surgery at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.139 See the “Madhu Azad” section for NOSM’s financial conflicts.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
In November 2020, Kirkpatrick was announced as the new academic representative from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) on the Council for the CPSO.140He replaced Dr. Robert Smith.141 He previously served as an Independent Assessor. He also serves as an Adjudicator on the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal.142
Canadian Resident Matching Service
He also assists the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) in reviewing General Surgery applications.
North Bay Physicians Local Education Group Association
Kirkpatrick is a Local Education Group lead for Huntsville, as part of the North Bay Physicians Local Education Group Association (NBPLEGA).
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirkpatrick claimed that SARS-CoV-2 is most easily transmitted in the early days of infection when patients are asymptomatic. He also stated that fit-tested N95 masks were the only mask that would protect the wearer, whereas surgical and cloth masks would only stop droplets from leaving the face area.143

Lionel Marks de Chabris
Dr. Lionel Marks De Chabris is a Canadian family physician based in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in pain and disability management. He practices medicine as “Lionel Marks de Chabris Medicine Professional Corporation”.
After completing his Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Marks De Chabris graduated from McGill University's Faculty of Medicine in 1988 with his MD.144 He then completed a combined residency in Family and Emergency Medicine at the University of Ottawa, finishing in 1991. He was certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine in 2000.
American Board of Addiction Medicine
Dr. Lionel is a Diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine.145
American Board of Independent Medical Examiners
Dr. Lionel is a Certified Independent Medical Examiner, authorized by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners.
Canadian Academy of Pain Management
Dr. Lionel is a Diplomate of the Canadian Academy of Pain Management.
Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment
Dr. Lionel has participated in speaking events with the Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment.
Canadian Medical Association
Dr. Lionel underwent further training in Addiction Medicine and then Pain Medicine, sponsored by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Canadian Medical Association from 2006 - 2007.146
Canadian Mental Health Association
Dr. Lionel delivered six two-hour presentations to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) on Substance Use Disorders including Alcohol Use Disorder, Cannabis Use Disorder, Stimulant Use Disorder, Opioid Use Disorder, Sedative Use Disorder and Other Drugs of Abuse.147
The CMHA is partnered with the University of British Columbia (UBC), the Wellesley Institute, Children First Canada, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), United Way, YMCA, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Academica Group, Edgewood Health Network Canada, and Kids Help Phone.148 Additional funding comes from RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Shoppers Drug Mart, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bell Media, Rexall, Siemens, Rogers, Daily Hive, Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Capital One, Emergent BioSolutions (through ADAPT Pharma), Medavie Health Foundation, Zurich Pharma, Spectrum Therapeutics, Janssen, the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan, Medicine Shoppe, Salesforce, Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction, Vetoquinol, and the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario.149 150 151
Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators
Dr. Lionel is a Clinician Member of the Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators.
College of Family Physicians of Canada
Dr. Lionel was certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada in Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine in 1991, and became a Fellow in 2001.152
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Dr. Lionel is the elected representative for District 8 on the Council for the CPSO, as well as a Medical Inspector.153
Espanola Pain Clinic
Dr. Lionel provides chronic pain management services at the Espanola Pain Clinic within Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre.154
Headway Clinic
Dr. Lionel's primary location of practice is Headway Clinic, a facility offering various counselling services. He is an Associate of the company, and has worked there since November 2010.155
Health Sciences North Sudbury
Dr. Lionel is one of three founding physicians of the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic at Health Sciences North Sudbury, founded in December 2015.156 157
New Zealand TechAlliance
Dr. Lionel has presented at the MedCan Summit, an event organized by the New Zealand TechAlliance.158 Sponsors for the event include Helius Therapeutics, Eqalis, Elysian Pharmaceuticals, CannaPlus+, Hill Laboratories, Greenlab, Conviron, Scitek, Cannasouth, and Pharmacy Today.159
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr. Lionel is an Assistant Professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.160 See the “Madhu Azad” section for NOSM’s financial conflicts.
Ontario College of Family Physicians
Dr. Lionel is a Mentor in Addiction Medicine and Pain Medicine for the Ontario College of Family Physicians.
Sudbury Prosthetic & Orthotic Design
Dr. Lionel is also registered to practice medicine at Sudbury Prosthetic & Orthotic Design.
ZYUS Life Sciences
On June 2, 2020, ZYUS Life Sciences announced the appointment of Dr. Lionel to their executive team as Chief Medical Officer. ZYUS is a pharmaceutical company focused on “development and commercialization of innovative and patient-focused cannabinoid-based formulations and product candidates”.161
Dr. Lionel has published research on the subject of medical marijuana.162 He has delivered several presentations on the topic to the Wahta Mohawks, Mohawk First Nation in the District Municipality of Muskoka, Ontario.
He has also given presentations on the subject of opioid use disorder.

Kashif Pirzada
Dr. Kashif Pirzada is an emergency doctor and entrepreneur in Ontario, Canada. He is an elected district representative on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) and has frequently appeared on legacy media as a COVID-19 pandemic “expert”.
Pirzada attended Trinity College at the University of Toronto from 1997 - 2000, completing his Bachelor of Sciences in Biology. He graduated with his MD from U of T in 2004 and was given the school’s Arbor Award in 2019.163 His postdoctoral training was completed at McGill University from 2004-2006.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Pirzada is an “Elected Professional Member” of the the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for Electoral District 5, elected in December 2020.164 165
Conquer COVID-19
Pirzada is associated with Conquer COVID-19, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that sold COVID-related merchandise including t-shirts and hats to raise money for personal protective equipment (PPE) “such as masks, gloves, and gowns, and other supplies that are essential in treating patients and minimizing the spread of the virus.”166 167 168
Critical Drugs Coalition
Pirzada is also a founder of the Critical Drugs Coalition (CDC), a group lobbying for wider access to (and increased funding for) certain pharmaceuticals.169 Specifically, the group cites shortages in ketamine, fentanyl, midazolam, propofol and morphine - powerful sedative and painkiller drugs that the group alleges are “desperately needed in critical care settings in the fight against COVID-19”.
This is deeply disturbing on a number of levels. First of all, there is a staggering opioid crisis that the Government of Canada describes as “one of the most serious public health crises in Canada's recent history,” attributed in large part to contamination of the illicit drug supply with fentanyl.170 As expected, mortality data from across the country “show a worrying increase in opioid-related harms and deaths since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak.” This has been observed in Canada as well as the United States.171

Additionally, healthcare staff in the United Kingdom have been accused of causing substantial excess deaths through overprescription of midazolam, potentially amounting to medical malpractice.172 Legal action is underway in the wake of a growing number of whistleblowers and testimonies alleging intentional or negligent death by “misuse of sedatives”, primarily midazolam.173 174 The number of prescriptions for the drug doubled in April 2020 compared to the prior months, but its use in COVID-19 is suspect because of its effects; “Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia.”175 176
Despite claiming to be independent volunteers, Pirzada’s colleagues on the Critical Drugs Coalition team are individuals who stand to benefit personally or through their employer from increased funding for pharmaceutical products and policies:
John Adams is:
Board Chair of the Best Medicines Coalition;177
Co-founder and President of Canadian PKU & Allied Disorders (sponsored by Biomarin, Vitaflo, Innovative Medicines Canada, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, PTC Therapeutics, and Canadian Red Cross);178
Volunteer co-chair of the Disability Tax Fairness Alliance;179
Past member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Organization of Rare Disorders;180
Former reporter for the Globe and Mail;181
Former Chief of Staff to the Ontario Minister of Community and Social Services;
Former Director of Marketing Services for the Urban Transportation Development Corporation;
Former Director of Government Relations for the Ontario Public School Boards' Association;
Former Councilor for the City of Toronto;
Global Director of Business Development for OZ Systems International;182
Speaker with the Canadian Institute.
Saad Ahmed is a physician and lecturer at the Scarborough Health Network;
Ahmed Bagit graduated from Brock University. He is a member of the Canadian Muslim COVID-19 Task Force as a volunteer in Communications and Media.183 He has also co-written several pro-pharmaceutical articles.184
Abdul Basith is an emergency physician at the Markham Stouffville Hospital at Oak Valley Health, associated with the University of Toronto;
Aman Chatha is:
Founder of Group Buy United
Vice President of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at The Marketing Department (TMD)
Leader of Corporate Partnerships & Sponsors at Conquer COVID-19
Senior Business Development Consultant at Cloud Dynamics Inc.
Senior Strategy & Business Development Consultant at Tench Labs
Various senior positions with Aon
Former teacher at Sheridan College
Ian Hilley is self-described as an “experienced pharmaceutical executive” and “effective advocate and lobbyist.”187 He is President of Hilley Pharma Advisors, President of the Canadian Hemochromatosis Society, former Chair of Community and Home Assistance for Seniors (CHATS) and Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.188 Hilley’s CV also includes history of “providing strategic leadership and advice to clients to achieve their commercial goals in areas such as business development, engaging private payors, product development, market access and pricing.” Those positions include:
Vice President of Government Affairs and Market Access at Mylan Pharmaceuticals ULC, which merged with Upjohn (a former Pfizer subdivision) to form Viatris Inc. in November 2019.189 190 191
Vice President of North American Partnerships (and other positions) at Genpharm Inc., which provides services to multinational pharmaceutical companies in Commercial Partnerships and Strategic Advice. Their medical portfolio includes CRISPR Gene Editing and Gene Replacement Therapy, and the company is partnered with Albireo, Avexis, Orchard Therapeutics, Sarepta Therapeutics, PTC Therapeutics, BioHaven Pharmaceuticals, UltraGenyx Pharmaceutical, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Gedeon Richter, AB Biotics, LeMaitre Vascular, Life Codexx, Map BioPharma, Sintetica, and the Global Network of the American Chamber of Commerce.192
Rameeka Khan is a clinical pharmacist, also at Markham Stouffville Hospital;
Amirpouyan Namavarian is a resident at the University of Toronto’s Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery section.193 He began his postdoctoral training on July 1, 2021.194 He served as a Research Assistant at London Health Sciences Centre (June 2016 - June 2017); Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry (July 2016 - May 2017); Trillium Health Partners (January 2018 - January 2021); and Mount Sinai Hospital (June 2019 - August 2019).195 He previously completed his Bachelor of Sciences in Interdisciplinary Medical Science at the University of Western Ontario, where he attended from 2012-2016. Namavarian has authored several articles regarding COVID-19, vaccination and its associated behavioural science.196 Co-founder of Vaccines for the World, advocating for Canada’s mass exportation of COVID-19 vaccines.197 Part of a team of “academics, doctors and doctors in training, entrepreneurs, software developers, and other volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds” that created MyTrace, a mobile contact tracing application.198 The project was a collaboration with the University of Toronto and the Vector Institute, and was shuttered in June 2020 when the Government of Canada announced a national contact tracing app. Other partners included Empower Health, 247 Labs and Safe Paths (a project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).199 200
Rahil Shah is:201
Design Technologist Intern at Shopify
Product Design Intern at Robinhood, Meta, and Twitch
Front-End Developer at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Various roles, including Co-Director, at DeltaHacks
Product designer for CanTrace, presented to the Government of Canada
Web Design Intern at Nova Solutions
Sponsorship Executive at McMaster Design League
Abdulwahab Sidiqi is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Toronto. He co-wrote the following articles strongly advocating for pharmaceutical products:
“Anti-vaxxers may be a lost cause but the vaccine-hesitant must be brought on board”202
“To catch up on vaccinations, we must include family doctors, pharmacists in rollout plans”203
“Canada must double-down on mRNA production to overcome vaccine nationalism”204
“Speed is of the essence: Canada falling behind in rapid COVID testing”205
Pirzada described building a startup called Curadiv.206
EasyFit Inc.
Pirzada is the CEO of EasyFit Inc., a “social fitness marketplace and platform for online exercise prescription.” For doctors, it describes itself as “a platform that allows them to prescribe and monitor evidence-based exercises to their patients using our intelligent exercise prescription algorithm, without resorting to opioids and other dangerous therapies.”207 EasyFit is a business venture that would benefit from increased interest in at-home activity, which resulted from lockdown measures that closed gyms, for which Pirzada advocates.208
Humber River Hospital
Pirzada has hospital privileges at Humber River Hospital, where he practices emergency medicine.209 HRH has received funding through the Humber River Hospital Foundation from Abbott Laboratories, Air Canada, Apotex, AstraZeneca, Baxter, Bayer, Bell Media, Dr. Ira Bernstein, BMO Financial Group, Canadian Cancer Society, CIBC, Cisco, Dell EMC, Deloitte, Delta Airlines, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, HSBC, IBM, Janssen, Johnson Controls, KPMG, LEO Pharma, McDonald's, Meditech, Methapharm, Michael Kors, Minogue Medical, Nordstrom, Novartis, Ontario Medical Association, Pfizer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Roche, Rogers Communications, Sanofi, Scotiabank, Shoppers Drug Mart, Sterimax, Sun Life Financial, TD Bank Group, TELUS, Toronto Foundation, Uber, and Zimmer Biomet.210 211
Pirzada is Co-Chair of Masks4Canada, an organization that has lobbied Provincial and Federal governments to impose mandatory masking, testing, vaccination, travel restrictions and isolation.212 213 The group proposes exercising influence “under an order or regulation” or by withholding federal funds for noncompliant groups.214 The scientific literature cited for their policies is outdated, flimsy and misleading.215 Pirzada wrote a separate letter to York Region Councillors to lobby for these measures to be implemented as bylaws, where he states that “there is very little controversy over the science of masking in the medical community,” though he acknowledges conflicting advice and disagreements over “the efficacy of cloth masks.” He advocates against waiting for evidence of their effectiveness, and insists the Councillors dismiss any scientific sources that raise concerns about mask wearing as “fringe and mostly discredited sources”.216
McMaster University
Pirzada is an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) in Family Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.217
Ontario Consent and Capacity Board
Pirzada is a member of the Ontario Consent and Capacity Board, listed as a Physician Member with a term of January 11, 2017 until January 10, 2019.218
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Pirzada also served as an Investigating Coroner at the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
His other business venture is Raven, a news aggregation app “that collects the best of news and social media in one place.”219 220
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Pirzada is employed as an emergency doctor at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Sunnybrook is funded by such organizations as Toronto Mayor John Tory, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Canadian National Railway (whose primary stakeholder is Bill Gates), Janssen, the University of Toronto, Johnson & Johnson and many others.221
University of Toronto
Pirzada was employed by the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine as a Lecturer from July 2009 until at least May 2020.222 He also acted as Governor on the Governing Council of the University of Toronto on the executive committee, planning and budget committee, academic appeals and others.223
William Osler Health System
Pirzada is employed as an emergency doctor in the William Osler Health System.
Media Appearances
He is frequently featured as an “expert” speaking authoritatively to Canadian news channels including the state-funded CBC News, Business Insider, CTV News, and Zoomer Radio about various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.224 225 226 227

Judith Plante
Dr. Judith Plante, née Blore, served as President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for the year 2021 after serving as Vice President in 2020.228 229
She received her medical education at McGill University and the University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine, and has served on the CPSO since 2015.230 231
College of Physicians and Surgeons
At a CPSO Future Leaders' Day event in 2014, former President Marc Gabel suggested Plante run for council as there was an opening in her district.232 She was elected as District 7 Councilor for 2015.
She was elected Vice President for the year 2020, and President for 2021.
University of Ottawa
Plante served as Director of the Pembroke Family Medicine Teaching Unit at the University of Ottawa from 2008 - 2016.

Karen Saperson
Dr. Karen Saperson is a psychiatrist in Hamilton, Ontario.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Saperson is a University Academic Representative with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for McMaster University.
McMaster University
She is employed as a Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University, and is head of that department.233 She is also the Program Director for Geriatric Psychiatry, and the Academic Head for the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry.234
Psychiatric Practice
Saperson practices psychiatry through St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. and has hospital privileges at McMaster Children’s Hospital, St. Peter’s Hospital (Hamilton Health Sciences), Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre, and St. Joseph's Centre for Mountain Health Services.235
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Saperson was a recipient of the 2017 Royal College’s AMS/Donald R. Wilson Award from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. “Dr. Saperson is unquestionably a pioneer in the field of mentorship.” She was selected for the reward “for inspiring and developing novel teaching methodologies that have raised the quality and quantity of research and scholarship emanating from her department at McMaster University.”
World Psychiatric Association
Saperson’s publication history includes studies funded by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), associated with the World Health Organization (WHO),236 237 and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).238
Saperson retweeted a Globe and Mail article blaming the “roughly 1.5 million eligible Ontarians [who are aged 12 or older] without a single jab” as being “the people responsible for keeping the pandemic alive.”239 The article cites data from the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table claiming that “being unvaccinated makes you more than five times more likely to catch COVID-19, and 26 times more likely to wind up in intensive care.” Further, the article insists that mandatory masking, vaccine passports, improved ventilation, capacity limits and complete vaccination are required.240

Janet van Vlymen
Dr. Janet van Vlymen is the President of the CPSO for the year 2022.241 She is certified for Independent Practice by the CPSO since July 8, 1991.242
van Vlymen received her MD from Queen's University in 1990, where she then completed postdoctoral training from July 1, 1992 - June 30, 1996. She moved on to a Fellowship in Ambulatory Anesthesia at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas.243
Medical Practice
van Vlymen practices medicine through her corporate entity, Dungey & Van Vlymen Medicine Professional Corporation, in partnership with Dr. Paul Edwin Dungey, a coroner.244 245
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society
van Vlymen co-authored a Society Position Paper on behalf of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society as well as the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and Canadian Heart Rhythm Society in 2012.246
She also donated between $250.00 and $499.00 to the CAS from May 2019 - April 2020, and January - November 2021.247 248
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
In December 2021, van Vlymen was elected to the role of President of the CPSO for 2022.249 She had served the previous year as Vice President.250
Kingston Health Science Centre
van Vlymen is the Program Medical Director for the Perioperative Services program at Kingston Health Science Centre (KHSC). She practices medicine and has emergency privileges at KHSC's Kingston General Hospital and Hotel Dieu Hospital locations.
KHSC is funded through the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation by AmerisourceBergen, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Baxter, Bayer, Bell, BMO Financial Group, Boehringer Ingelheim, CIBC, Corus Entertainment, Costco, Covidien, Fresenius, General Electric, IBM, Imperial Oil, Janssen, KFL&A Health Unit, KPMG, LEO Pharma, Loblaws, Masonic Association of Frontenac District, Medtronic, Novartis, Novopharm, Ortho Biotech, Paladin Labs, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Queen's University, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), Rexall, Rogers Media, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Royal Military College of Canada, Sanofi, Scotiabank, Shoppers Drug Mart, St. Jude Medical, Sun Life Financial, TC Energy, TD Bank Group, Telesta Therapeutics, TELUS, and The Tragically Hip.251
Medical Council of Canada
In 2017, van Vlymen was appointed to the Medical Council of Canada as a representative for the CPSO and Queen's University.252
Providence Care Hospital
van Vlymen practices medicine and has hospital privileges as Providence Care Hospital.
Providence is partnered with Queen's University, founded by Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, sponsored by the Catholic Health Corporation of Ontario, and funded by Home and Community Care Support Services under Ontario Health. The facility is also funded through the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation.
Queen's University
van Vlymen is an Associate Professor and former Deputy Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at Queen's University.
In 2017, van Vlymen was awarded a grant from the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation for a study called “Can healthcare-associated hepatitis C virus outbreaks occur when intravenous medication vials are accessed with clean needles and syringes for use in multiple patients?” Funding for the $148,235.00 award was provided by Medtronic.253
van Vlymen published research in 2008 on ketamine, fentanyl and propofol, funded by the Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation.254
On May 1, 2021, van Vlyen retweeted the CPSO's statement on “appropriate use of social media by physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic.”255

In an interview with the CPSO's eDialogue newsletter, van Vlymen stated that “vaccines remain one of our strongest protections against this deadly disease, along with public health measures.” She expressed strong support for vaccine mandates, and said that it's “morally depressing and distressing to see the anti-vaccine misinformation.” She describes the process of shifting language away from guidance for doctors and into clear instructions, while increasing enforcement against doctors who disobey.256
The following month, the office of founding Canadian Covid Care Alliance member Ira Bernstein was raided by the CPSO.257 258
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Excellent research, I think it's so good to put faces and names together of the people involved. Thank you! 👏💕
How come this doesn't have any traction???
Maybe you should pitch it to Brownstone to publish?
*in a frustrated 'what the heck' sort of way, bemoaning the consistent failure to catch on of pieces that have critical info that's not widely disseminated but very relevant to broader narrative wars