Boosters forever, legal wins and losses, geopolitics, ushering in the bioeconomy
Greetings friends, and welcome back to Rounding the News! I am your host, Liam Sturgess, and this is our weekly news roundup presented by Rounding the Earth.
Today, I’m going to break our issues down into six categories: Health, Legal, Economy, Geopolitics, Environment and Culture. I do this in part because of something I noticed about the “COVID skeptic” community - around mid-2021: not everyone pulls from the same sources.
This is a good thing, of course, as there are simply way too many people and outlets reporting on… well, every possible subject. Accuracy and veracity of reporting may vary, but even limiting oneself to “mainstream” or “institutional” channels still far exceeds the bandwidth of any human being. Ain’t enough time for that.
It’s not just sources that are important to vary; it’s also topics. Rounding the Earth was started to fill a gap in knowledge around COVID-19 and Bitcoin, but it’s becoming clearer every day to those with eyes to see that each area of our lives is connected in a way that can only be ignored at our own risk.
These six categories are by no means all-encompassing, but they do seem to cover the bases for now. After the usual rundown of the week’s highlights (now arranged in these categories) I’ll spend a bit more time on the main story. Let’s try it!
I wish I could tell you the institutional media is starting to address some of the more absurd aspects of the bivalent booster rollout (as covered last week) - but if I did, I’d be exaggerating!
Here is an image of the new recommended number of doses that will be required of every person every three months:

By my count, that adds up to about 6.2 doses (6.4 if you count the shadow of the one on the far right).
…more on the “far right” later.
Annual “pandemic” boosters, forever
The Atlantic went with the old one-two punch approach. “Are we really getting COVID boosters every year forever?” Yes, author Jacob Stern immediately clarifies: “Prepare yourself for a lifetime of fall vaccine campaigns.”1 Yikes.
“In other words, your pandemic booster is about to become as routine as your physical exam or—more to the point—your flu shot. One more health-related task has been added to your calendar, and it’s likely to remain there for the rest of your life.”
Thank goodness we have Jacob Stern to lay out how our medical choices shall be moving forward. No word on how this affects people who never took the first dose. I suppose they’re on their own!

…but wait, what’s this? Dissenting voices within the ranks? HERESY!
The flu shot is the new standard for COVID shot testing
Look, they said it, not me. There could be problems associated with permanently injecting gene therapy into humans who absolutely do not need it or even understand what they’re taking. Apparently, the rationale for doing this actually comes from the flu shot, which operates on the same basis of simply swapping in the new strain without testing on humans first. Of course, those haven't been gene therapy; unless something happened covertly, flu shots have traditionally been actual vaccines.
A bit different than swapping in artificial gene sequences manufactured by a CIA-linked start-up, based on a Department of Defense-funded bioweapon.2 For more on that, see Whitney Webb’s investigative report on National Resilience.
From Medscape's coverage on the flu-COVID treatment:3
“Comments from the White House this week suggesting a once-a-year COVID-19 shot for most Americans, "just like your annual flu shot," were met with backlash from many who say COVID and influenza come from different viruses and need different schedules. Remarks, from "capitulation" to too little data, hit the airwaves and social media.
Some, however, agree with the White House vision and say that asking people to get one shot in the fall instead of periodic pushes for boosters will raise public confidence and buy-in and reduce consumer confusion.”
This was never supposed to be more than one or two shots. I’ll even accept that some people assumed they’d need a booster. But one every three months (as it is currently) or even one per year is the epitome of a scam. That bothers me.
Needless COVID-19 vaccines in progress
For the record, I don’t enjoy needles at all. However, that has never stopped me from taking shots that I agreed were worthwhile. *I’m beginning to question the wisdom of that, but that’s not a topic for today.*
My point is that needle fear is certainly real, but I don’t think that’s what’s stopping folks from lining up to receive their intravascular blessing. In any case, Global News reports:4
“A nasal version of the COVID-19 vaccine has been approved in India, while regulators in China have also cleared an inhalable booster option administered through the mouth. …
‘This is really a novel and unique approach to vaccination,’ said Dr. Fiona Smaill, professor of infectious and medical microbiology at McMaster University.
‘The COVID pandemic has pushed a lot of researchers now to think about different ways of giving vaccines that in the long run may be more effective.’
Smaill is leading the clinical trial, authorized by Health Canada, for two new adenovirus vector-based COVID-19 vaccines that can be administered by inhalation. …
Health Canada has also authorized a clinical trial for a single-dose intranasal vaccine developed by Altimmune, Inc., a U.S. biopharmaceutical company.”
I return to the question: if the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and the “hesitant” are the minority, why are companies continuing to roll out new and improved versions of the “vaccine”? There’s a genuine discussion to be had around the nasal cavity being the correct place to be infected with the spike protein in order to stimulate the correct sort of immune response, but remember: the spike protein is no bueño and should be avoided. In other words, #StoptheShotVape.
Monkeypox five year-plan
At least somebody is planning for monkeypox to be around for awhile:5
“The United Kingdom monkeypox therapeutics market is projected to register growth at a formidable rate during the forecast period, 2023-2027. The market growth can be attributed to the rising incidences of monkeypox in the country and expanding population with weak immunity. …
Major players operating in the United Kingdom monkey therapeutics market are Chimerix UK Limited, SIGA Technologies, Inc., Emergent BioSolutions UK Ltd., Bavarian Nordic A/S, Mylan N.V., Olon S.p.A., Teva UK Limited, among others.”
Citizen vs. State: a discussion with Karl Harrison
Mathew and I sat down for a round table discussion with Karl Harrison, who I have had the pleasure of spending time with in person. We’ve even quietly worked behind the scenes to help strategize legal efforts, which is all I can say on that note. Read Mathew’s article on the conversation below, and watch the video if you haven’t yet!
BC judge dismisses four vaccine passport complaints
In a move that both shocked and disappointed, a Supreme Court judge in the Canadian province of British Columbia has rejected four complaints fighting against vaccine passports.

From The Epoch Times:6
“Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson ruled in one of the cases that Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer, had properly followed available scientific research and B.C.’s public health guidelines in advising the government to mandate vaccination for health care workers, according to the Vancouver Sun.7
The second case Hinkson rejected was a challenge to the province’s vaccine passport system on the grounds that it discriminated against disabled people who were at higher risk of suffering adverse side effects from COVID-19 vaccines.
Hinkson’s third ruling was also related to the province’s vaccine passport system, as an individual challenged that it “offended his right to liberty in an arbitrary manner,” reported the Vancouver Sun.
Hinkson’s fourth dismissal was against three B.C. residents who alleged that the province did not provide effective access to medical vaccination exemptions.
One of the suits was filed by a group called the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy, who expressed their disappointment at the ruling. “In a nutshell, we lost. I am sorry,” wrote Kip Warner in the status updates section of the CSASP’s website.8

“Despite all of this, Dr. Henry was not awarded costs and we believe we may have grounds to appeal. …Concurrently our health care workers’ petition and class proceeding continue to move forward.”
Alex Jones
Finally, Alex Jones is back in court for the second of two major proceedings related to accusations of defamation surrounding claims he made about the Sandy Hook tragedy.9

Both this Connecticut trial and the Texas trial that preceded it are hearings about damages only, as both judges ruled Jones guilty by summary judgement. In other words, he was not allowed to even have a trial to allow a jury to decide if he was, in fact, guilty.
I am still gathering the facts and shaping my opinion, helped along by the excellent, in-depth commentary on the issue by Viva Frei and Robert Barnes (who formerly represented Alex in an earlier part of the process).10 Click below to watch their coverage of Day 3 of the trial on Rumble:
I want to share another commentator who I turn to for an alternative perspective on the day-to-day of the American economy: Gregory Mannarino. I can’t vouch for him - or anyone I cite unless specifically stated - but I’ve found his analysis both interesting and relevant. Here’s his video from this morning:11
Mannarino says we’re already in a depression, as the pressure on the middle class continuing to grow. “Remember, you’re a terrorist if you don’t trust your government.” A few highlights from his coverage:
Banking giant Goldman Sachs issued a warning to its (presumably high-dollar) clients that the stock market (specifically the S&P 500) could be about to take another huge plunge following yet another “shocking" inflation report;12
FedEx scared the markets by reporting that it was shutting stores and offices down as well as halting new hiring as “demand slumps,” leading the company’s shares to suffer “their worst drop in decades”;13 14
Housing affordability reaches lowest level in 37 years;15
Cryptocurrencies take a hit as Ethereum undergoes a “merge,” switching “blockchain verification systems from Proof-of-Work to the more energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake,” as described by the World Economic Forum;16
Biden threw a party at the White House to celebrate “inflation reduction” - “even as inflation hit a worse-than-expected 8.3%, the stock market tumbled and stubbornly high prices for food and housing continue to slam American households,” writes the New York Post.17
Political solutions may still exist

If more elected officials come forward with the integrity Liam Madden shows, there may yet be hope for the electoral system. Madden ran and won as an independent candidate in the Republican primary in the state of Vermont. Read Mathew’s article discussing their talk,18 and watch the full discussion on Rumble.19
Eyes in the skies
I want to share another resource I turn to: MonkeyWerx. I don’t know much about him but understand him to be a former military contractor turned YouTuber, with quite a large community surrounding him. Everyone’s got their gig, and his is using open source intelligence from flight tracking systems to analyze the geopolitical landscape of the United States and the rest of the planet.
He covers topics including the military conflict in Ukraine; the ebb and flow of tension in the Middle East; the supply chain; the Great Reset; and a strongly Republican/Trump-leaning political analysis.
Full credit to him: I pulled a number of stories from his stream from earlier this morning, as well as Gregory Mannarino’s. I recommend checking them both out. Here’s his live Friday situation report:20
Grab your popcorn, because it’s about to get much scarcer.

It would seem that Argentina has been shrinking its position in corn farming since at least 2019, and the droughts of the past two summers have not helped replenish the dwindling harvests.21 From Reuters:22
“Argentina's main farming zones are facing the driest conditions in around 30 years, agricultural and weather experts said, raising fears about a new ‘great drought’ and stalling planting of corn in the world's No. 3 exporter of the grain. …
Argentina is the world's top exporter of processed soy oil and meal and an important producer of corn, wheat and barley.
‘This is one of the most complex situations we have seen in recent decades. We have to say that it is the worst planting scenario for corn in the last 27 years,’ Cristian Russo, chief agronomist at the Rosario grains exchange, told Reuters. …
‘The current scenario is discouraging,’ he said.
Heinzenknecht added that farmers needed a miracle.
‘The only thing that can get us out of this is something disruptive, something that no one is seeing. It's the only thing that can change the landscape, which is alarming,’ he said.”
I’m really not a fan of the idea of “something disruptive” being undertaken. Whatever in the world could be done, please keep it out of the hands of government or their NGO cronies. Think of the children.
Soy appears to be the new direction for these farmers, a transition which also was already in progress in 2019. There was hoarding of the “alternative protein” beans in 2021, apparently as a hedge against the floundering peso.23 As of this week, however, the Argentine government persuaded these farmers to sell off their product through favourable foreign currency exchange rates.24
If the corn harvest is continuing to shrink, and farmers are depleting their soy reserves, what does this mean for “the world's top exporter of processed soy oil and meal and an important producer of corn, wheat and barley”? Surely wheat and barley will pull through!
…except that wheat is also drying up.25 Uh oh. No word on barley.

For those who don’t know, there is a show on Disney Plus called She-Hulk based on the character from the same name. She’s legit and is a great character in her own right; she came out of the 1970s and has had some great stories in the comics.

Unfortunately, her show isn’t working out as smoothly as Marvel fans like me would have liked. There’s an interesting cultural dialogue underway in response, but I’m not sure it’s quite getting at the real issues.
She Hulk: Attorney at Law current holds an 87% score on Rotten Tomatoes from critics, while the audience has granted it a mere 39% take.26

National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative
Stern, J. (2022, September 9). Are We Really Getting COVID Boosters Every Year Forever? The Atlantic.
Webb, W. (2022, August 17). RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company. Unlimited Hangout.
Frellick, M. (2022, September 9). The Potential Problem(s) With a Once-a-Year COVID Vaccine. Medscape.
Aziz, S. (2022, September 9). 1st needle-free COVID-19 vaccines approved in China, India. What about Canada? Global News.
United Kingdom Monkeypox Therapeutics Market, By Treatment (Smallpox Vaccine, Antivirals, Vaccinia Immune Globulin (VIG)), By End User (Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2028. (2022, August). Research and Markets.
Wilson, P. (2022, September 14). BC Supreme Court Judge Rejects 4 Challenges to Former Vaccination Policies. The Epoch Times.
Fraser, K. (2022, September 13). B.C. Supreme Court chief judge dismisses four challenges to COVID-19 health orders. Vancouver Sun.
Warner, K. (2022, September 13). Status Updates. CSASPP.
Queen, J. (2022, September 13). Explainer: What’s at stake in Alex Jones’ second Sandy Hook defamation trial. Reuters.
Vivafrei. (2022, September 15). Alex Jones Trial Day 3 RECAP with Viva & Barnes! Rumble.
Mannarino, G. (2022, September 16). Stock Market Set To DROP At The Open.. Goldman Sachs WARNS Of STEEP SELLOFF IN STOCKS. Mannarino. YouTube.
Goldstein, S. (2022, September 16). A further 27% drop in the S&P 500 could be coming if inflation hawks are right, Goldman Sachs team warns. MarketWatch.
Associated Press. (2022, September 15). FedEx to close stores, put off hiring as demand slumps. Breitbart.
Carney, J. (2022, September 16). FedEx Shares Crash After Global Recession Warning. Breitbart.
Cruz-Martinez, G. (2022, September 14). Housing affordability hits worst level in 37 years. Yahoo! Money.
Cheikosman, E. (2022, September 14). The Merge: what Ethereum’s new system means for the crypto-currency industry. World Economic Forum.
Nelson, S. (2022, September 13). White House throws “inflation reduction” party with James Taylor as stocks crash over dismal 8.3% rate. New York Post.
Crawford, M. (2022, September 13). Do Political Solutions Still Exist: Liam Madden Seeks Vermont Congressional Seat. Substack.
Rounding the Earth. (2022, September 11). RTE Discussions #5: Liam Madden’s Challenge of the Political Status Quo. Rumble.
Monkey Werx US. (2022, September 16). FRIDAY LIVE SITREP 9.16.22. YouTube.
Reuters. (2019, September 4). Farmers in Argentina ditch corn, turn to soy as policy outlook darkens. NBC News.
Heath, M. (2022, September 15). Argentina corn planting stalled as “great drought” fears rise. Reuters.
Global Ag Media. (2021, April 9). Argentine farmers opt to hoard soy despite high prices. The Poultry Site.
Reuters. (2022, September 13). Argentina’s soybean farmers speed up sales after FX boost. Financial Post.
Heath, M. (2022, September 15). Argentina wheat farmers abandon some lots due to drought, exchange says. Reuters.
Excellent round up!
Very comprehensive great post, thanks. When the epidemic, the convenient crisis, was first spoken of I remember hearing of new commercial real estate interest in biological research laboratories. They seemed to be springing up everywhere like our corner Walgreens & CVS stores. This brought to mind the phenomenon of Elizabeth Holmes and her short lived success with Big Tech and her blood testing machines. This biotechnology state has been on the advance for a long time. All the things you link are involved. Our language, our thinking, our reality is being distorted by these international members of the Corporatocracy. It is like a vast interwoven scheme to entrap we the people at every level. And it is working.