I’m performing as the opening act for the next Friday Night Life with Stranger Friends! Join us at Lynn Valley United Church on Friday, February 21st 2020 starting at 7:00PM.
Well, I guess I can officially say that went well. This past Valentine’s Day (February 14th, for those not in the know), I performed for the first time at a concert series called Friday Night Live in Lynn Valley. While it was a tough night on the romantic side, it was nonetheless filled with fantastic friends old and new, and a set that I’m pretty darn proud of.
Apparently the feeling is mutual, as the host Joel Grinke has invited me back! While all of the featured acts have already been booked for the season, I’ve been asked to act as the house band for the next instalment of the series this Friday, featuring Stranger Friends.
Time for me to bring my A-game once again. I have the feeling this is the beginning of a fantastic relationship.
Join us at Lynn Valley United Church on Friday, February 21st 2020 starting at 7:00PM. I’ll be performing as guests arrived, will likely engage in some witty banter, then will play again as we close out the night. Then, there will be food and drinks galore.
PS: Want to join my fan club? Good. Step #1 is to close your eyes and say, “I am in the Liam Sturgess fan club”. More instructions to come.
Lynn Valley United Church
3201 Mountain Hwy, North Vancouver, BC V7K 2H4
Friday, February 21st 2020
7:00PM - 9:15PM